matyco- That chip looks ok on mine. I will try to attach pics, but this is my first time doing so on this forum so maybe it shows up as first one below?
The channel 1 no signal issue turns out to be at least partially obvious (see 2nd pic, blown trace). Obviously could be other problems, I haven't tried repairing the trace yet to see what happens. Focusing on the pc and software upgrades for now. I am hopeful since CH1 does show noise, baseline not offset or jumping, but yeah it will be a huge chunk of luck if its just the trace.
By the way, a LOT of the chips on the acq board run really hot, like burn your fingers if you touch the heatsink. Is that normal? The fans don't really direct any flow down there, kind of bothers me.
PC upgrade status:
CPU was a snap, the SL5VQ, new thermal paste of course. Fired right up and works fine. I *might* be getting a second one of these, if so, will send it on to whomever wants it for their scope. Long story, but essentially it was a bit of a pain finding them, first place cancelled, and buying 2 from the next buyer was only marginally more than 1. But 1 of the 2 shipped turned out to be wrong CPU, they are sending the correct one. Anyway this was a low-skill drop in upgrade, well worth it.
RAM I am stuck on, have to order something different. See third pic - these are 256MB 133, PC won't even POST with them in (EDIT - will POST if I leave OEM in 1st slot, but the additional RAM still won't be recognized). Did I miss a spec? Maybe they need to be CL2 or something?
SSD works fine. W2000 SP3 installed easily, but then ran into sudden shutdowns. Couldn't tell exactly what was causing them, but shut down audio, ethernet, and PCMCIA to free their IRQs and it seems to be OK now. Installed the video and front panel drivers and the PPC server, and tekscope. Unfortunately it gets to the splash screen and ... stops. Task Manager shows "WindowsScopeSer" taking 99% of CPU. If I leave it for a long time it crashes out and tells me it needs to reboot. I tried some rounds of uninstall/reinstall to see if the order matters and no good.