The PP215 probes are the dreaded 1X/10X switchable and they aren't particularly deluxe feeling or appearing, but they do have a complete accessory kit and used properly, their overall performance is actually very good. I wouldn't be in a hurry to swap in some other 10X probe. I still have 4 of them attached to my scope by default even though I have other probes like the Tek P6139. You might want a 100X probe or two and if you can find one, a Tek P6156 10X/500R that works with the 50R inputs.
I'm not in a hurry, it's mostly an observation that the build quality of the scope feels decent, the probes much less so.
As I said, they'll do fine for time being. Probes are consumables, they get damaged etc.
And despite you say they look cheap to you, they have very respectable specs.
Buy new ones when you wear them out.
Like Bdunham7 says, buy some other, specialty probes. For instance, I would rather buy Micsig HV diff probe than that Probemaster you pointed out.
That will give you very important capability no passive probe will..
I have one passive 100X probe (Hameg) that has very low capacitance on tip and is 1500V.. That is interesting too.
I also have an RF demodulating probe, that was very useful to look at RFID ASK modulation for instance...
So plenty other capability to be had for the same money you would spend on probe that will pretty much measure same things as the one you have.