Hi guys long time lurker at the EEVBlog forum, first time poster. I want to buy my first new scope. I've owned few scopes in the past, all of them repair/restoration jobs (HP 53501A, Philips pm321 etc.) I'm a college student and my home lab is mostly filled with repaired equipment: a couple of system power supplys, frequency synthesizer, few bench multi meters and other smaller kick nacks, so this oscilloscope will be my first big investment (most of the others were free or below 80$). but after working 50 hours every week for 10 weeks as an intern I have earned a decent amount and I want my oscilloscope to be an investment, some thing that lasts me through grad school and hopefully beyond.
I know that the rigol is the best bang for the buck (+hacks to unlock more) but at this point the release date is 4 years behind. Although rigol has been good with its support so far, it will likely decrease with time. The R&S is brand new (~6 months), has a much more appealing look and better usability features, and hence also carries the extra price tag.
So my question is: is the R&S worth the extra 500$?