Yet another succesful MSO1104Z all options magically turned official hack, i'll take maybe about 4% of the credit. Thank-You, Thank-You, Thank-You for all the hours of work everyone put into this project, you guys enabled a 70+ year old that can't remember what he had for breakfast to (eventually, with the help of a voltage divider, lol) get some extra functionality out of a my scope.
Turns out for some of us it really is rocket science!
Thanks Again
EDIT for a recap, wall of text.
equipment: mso1104z
firmware: 00.04.04.SP4
board version: 6.1.1
Openocd for Windows: rigup-0.4.1-mso1000z
thanks to ve7xen for hosting rigup tool from here: For a step by step check out smgvbest's excellent post
Main Thread Steps Thread Thread are as follows:
C:\openocd-0.8.0\bin-x64\openocd-x64-0.8.0.exe -d1 -f C:\openocd-0.8.0\scripts\interface\ftdi\olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h.cfg -f C:\openocd-0.8.0\scripts\target\imx28.cfg
dump_image your_filename_here.bin 0x40000000 0x3FFFFFF
If you have no build tools in Ubuntu then sudo apt-get install build-essential
./rigup scan mso1074z.bin > mso1074z.txt
./rigup license mso1074z.txt 0x1C0xx
I elected to do the memory dump using windows so after getting my hands on a seggar jlink sat down to get to it.
I used the pinout from most excellent video for reference,
and right at the get go I noticed that the debugger I was using outputs 5v to the target, while the scopes jtag header takes an input of 3.3v. What I ended up doing was soldering together 3ea 1/4 W 1k resistors into a voltage divider. Worked perfectly. I will say at this point that that was the only modification in this project that didn't come directly from the resources above and someone elses hard work and know-how. thanks guys and girls!
Anyone else using the j-link device will need to edit the jlink.cfg file in the scripts/interface folder in openocd with "adapter_khz 4000", just like that (without quotes). I also installed JLink Commander with the intention of making use of the included driver for windows, well that didn't work so I used Zadig to replace the seggar driver with Winusb, after a few false starts the thing was recognized by windows command line at 4000 khz. which translates to about 15 or 20 min for the dump to complete. now I will say I saw where someone else used "adapter_khz 10000" but i'm pretty sure I read somewhere the default speed was adapter_khz 4000 so I went with that. Again, I used the list of commands on the page with the above video, edit as necessary, and thanks to #ElectronicsCreators
Now i'll regress a bit and mention that i've never actually read "sniffing the rigols internal i2c bus" from start to finish, but spent a goodly amount of time cherry picking what I figured was appropriate for what I was trying to accomplish. That didn't work so well. Anyhow, after getting 2-blocked time and again (read generating valid looking codes), after editing this file or that file, that fail to install, so I finally decided I needed to bite the bullet and start on page 1 and just keep reading until something made sense. That happened on page 47.
The first change to the rigup (0.4.1-mso1000z is what I used) code that was suggested (commented in the file) for mso devices was in rigup-0.4.1-mso1047/src/utils.c as follows, line 241 I believe,
this post that indicates for the mso1104z at least this edit is dependant on firmware, and or board version. The firmware on my mso1104z is 00.04.04.SP4 and the edit I made is opposite from the edit required by his scope.
Just for clarity, this MSO1104Z with firmware 00.04.04.SP1 uses the sequence 0x02 0x00 0x84 0x00 0x10 0x00.
Fix: if you download the from, open utils.c, in the function ScanKeys() uncomment the first static const and comment out the second, so it looks like this afterwards:
KeyData* ScanKeys(const void *data, size_t datasize)
Offset Data
0 02 00 84 00 10 00
For mso1074z-s, use: 01 00 84 00 10 00
6 <16 bytes of XXTEAKey>
22 20 00
24 <16 bytes of RC5Key1>
40 <16 bytes of RC5Key2>
56 08 00
58 <8 bytes of bit-shuffled ECC public key>
66 40 00
68 <64 bytes of some ASCII-HEX data>
132 <END>
const unsigned int sequenceSize = 6 + 16 + 2 + 2*16 + 2 + 8 + 2 + 64;
//static const uint8_t seq_1_ref[] = {0x02, 0x00, 0x84, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00};
static const uint8_t seq_1_ref[] = {0x01, 0x00, 0x84, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00};
the above is after the edit:
this line was commented out:
//static const uint8_t seq_1_ref[] = {0x02, 0x00, 0x84, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00};
this line was uncommented in:
static const uint8_t seq_1_ref[] = {0x01, 0x00, 0x84, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00};
the second change was made in Makefile, line 7 or so:
from this:
LDFLAGS := -O2 -Wl,-dead_strip
to this:
LDFLAGS := -O2 -Wl,--gc-sections -s
OK, after making the edits and compiling the code and doing a ./rigup scan mso1047x.bin > mso1047.txt, that the serial # on the txt file was not the same as my scope, at this point I got it into my head that until rigup generated a txt file that matched the serial # of the scope that the software wouldn't be able to come up with the correct option codes. I didn't figure out what a dumb assumption that was until I got to page 47, specifically a link to
this thread,
You can't unlock a MSO1000Z series scope without a memory dump and other lessons
more specifically, this:
5.You don't need to modify rigup if you have a serial number beginning with DS1ZC Looking at the source code of the patched rigup tool (, I thought it only worked for oscilloscopes with serial numbers beginning with DS1ZD. In utils.c, there's this following line:
if ( serialNumber[4]!='D' && serialNumber[3]!='Z' && serialNumber[2]!='1' &&
serialNumber[1]!='S' && serialNumber[0]!='D' )
This got me concerned as my scope's serial number began with DS1ZC. Turns out this if statement never evaluates true (set a breakpoint, never hit during debug).
So i'm thinking to myself it can't be as easy as editing the mso1047x.txt file with the correct ser # could it?
Turns out it could be that easy.
Tried it and almost loaded my pants when the license code generated from:
./rigup license mso1074z.txt 0x1C0FF
enabling all options,
successfully installed!
Thanks Again