Dear all,
after spending way too much time to find out that the first Siglent TPA10 TekProbe adapter I received was defective (read all about that here [1]), I purchased a new one from a german supplier. That was a 5 week process, but when I finally received it - it was dead, too. The voltage rails were completely unstable and the trace would shift wildly. So after yet another return and a third unit, I am the proud owner of a possibly fully functional adapter.
I say possibly, because I cannot get the offset to work with my Tektronix P6247. The power rails are stable as evident by the stable and correct traces. However, turning the offset knob only shifts the trace marginally, and in the wrong direction. If e.g. I set an offset of +3V, the trace will shift by a few hundred mV to negative values.
Measuring at the offset pad (Pin 5) of the adapter with no probe connected reveals +-200mV, which is correct according to Siglent (even though both their specification and that of the original Tektronix 1103 say +-1V should be present). However, the last adapter would also give correct values for all pads until you connected a probe, then it would go haywire.
I would greatly appreciate any pointers to how I can determine if the problem is in the adapter or probe - I only have the P6247 and the ADA400A, whereby the latter does not use the offset anyway. I could buy another probe, but how do I verify that one is functional?

because this has been going on since February.
Maybe this is interesting to @tautech @TiN @alm .