I never said, or mention legal action yet and haven't even reach the point to cross that bridge yet, or considering it yet. If I was, I am not going to discuss the matter on this forum that for sure. Let them try to make it right first, which require more time then 2 days. I love hearing from both sides of an argument, but let's be more realistic
Then to read the comments about throwing people in jail part for this.
I don't have words for that, as it asinise to think that and not even going to comment. Yeah what they did was wrong, not to the point anyone deserves jail time.
I can see people go to the extreme no matter who side they are on.
How about just wait and find out details first and let Siglent get a chance to answer questions that a few asked and explain. Doesn't mean it's necessarily true, or sure be taken for face value. But let not shoot them first ether.