I do think, if you look at it this way. siglents HAS to protect their leagal selling channel, in that, both protechting both the distro AND the consumer.
Is that wrong?
Actually, yes. It is wrong, and in the U.S. it is illegal. You cannot tell your retail sales outlet what they can charge for goods. Even minimum advertised prices are questionably legal.
The market is supposed to be free. That means consumers have the freedom to buy from whomever they choose, and retailers have the freedom to sell for whatever they choose. If reseller A wants to sell Siglent gear for half price (at a loss) to attract new customer then they can do that.
Certainly in this case we are talking about an end user selling his kit. In that case, no matter new or used he is free to sell it for whatever he damn well pleases. And no company can come along and abuse the DMCA to force him to take it down. Knowingly doing this requires you do commit perjury, as the authors of the DMCA, although complete morons, at least had the foresight to see how this could be abused.
Typically these types of things are covered up by the company giving the offended party a bunch of free gear in exchange for a gag clause, forbidding them to speak about it.
I wonder how many other forums and news outlets have picked this story up?