Dear "rf-loop"
to be kind and to give you a proper answer
I would like to know more precise what you meant with "After this all"
to follow your thoughts.
My first contact with SA's is dated to 1981 and I believe to have some
general (mayby not an expert) knowledge in SA technique.
So please help me to follow you and your comment.
Many thanks in advance for your kind response.
By the way my opinion is that the SA FW has a geaphical
but not a measurment feature that cause the trace to dissapear.
Also I have first contact with SA but around it was 70 century.
It helps of course to understand some things. But, it do not give lot knowledge how to do operations with example tis Siglent.
There need learn details how to operate Siglent and what it do in different situátions with different settings etc. History experience do not teach these things.
Now may I ask why you wonder trace A is deleted in this image. (yes now I can see you have explained it bit in your original message "But what I found today is that Trace A is shifted/hidden behind Trace B and if I press
Blank softkey the trace B will be deleted and just behind trace B that overlaped trace A
the trace A occure again but at the positionof trace B.")
A: action / P: picture
A1: TG=0dBm / scale=1db / ref=3dBm / Sweep single / Trace button pressed / trace A selected / Clear Write
P1: Trace A was sweeped and frozen on the screen.
Yes frozen because not new sweep. But it is still not fixed to screen and late new sweep overwrite it.
What to do. As you see trace A is still in normal write mode. At this point,
before go to next step, you need stop trace A writing so that it do not follow data anymore. --»
Select trace A mode: View. After then it is fixed and it do not "listen" new data and (new sweep) do not overwrite it. If you now change level level things, fixed trace A also follow, If you change horizontal, fixed trace A do not re scale. It is not fixed to freq axis. IN some cases it is useful but some cases it is more useful if it do scaling and is fixed to freq axis, as it is fixed to level axis.
So, I mean, study and exercise Siglent opertator things. "Know your equipment". Of course it do not mean that need learn what is spectrum analyzing and analyzers. (exept that after analog sweeping SA with analog filter IF need understand how differently full digital IF works and affect things in some situations. Good to know what all is meaning of samping "bucket". THis SA do not exactly sweep! It is hopping. IN some cases this may be very important to know before think that there is bug. But this have nothing now to do with this your example.
Overall this is good example.
So, how ever you do but if I want look first some circuit with TG - SA and want keep this trace for example my own needings as some kind of reference... and after then I want change circuit between TG - SA and look how it differ from first.
Connect circuit and do sweep or sweeps using traces A and B or just A... then freeze trace A to display selecting trace A mode View.
Make changes in circuit and continue sweeping with trace B writing. Now you can follow how it looks like related to A example when you do adjustments.
Also it need realize how important is Normalization function
A2: trace B selected / inserted DUT between TG and SA
P2: Trace A label changed to Trace B only
Just as it works and I can not see any problem in image. There is only one menu what need display what trace settings you are doing. (If you mean this menu label).
But also this make me wondering why and what you think is wrong? So, for undestanding better I will do this operation as you did and with thinking-quessing what you perhaps want or expect to see with these 3 steps. So I handle this later after I quess what you want see.
Then this
A3: Clear Write selected
P3: while trace B is printed trace A will be deleted (was my first impression)
Here happend just how it works. In this sweep both traces A and B write same data to screen. Both traces are in Clear write mode. Just as your previous images tell. Also trace A indicator in panel left side tell it is not freezed to View mode.
Traces fixed dislay overlay priority is: Starting from bottom: A, B, C and D. If all traces are on and writing with equal settings there can see only D.
But there is also one detail in your explanation what I need retest when I have time to use SSA before I say anything about it.