I am a new SVA1015X user, just received mine a few days ago.
It came with firmware, so I updated it to firmware (which is reported as on the System->Information screen!) downloaded from the Siglent NA website.
The firmware upgrade went OK, but I then tried to use the web connect feature (using Chrome browser), but it did not work at all.
I contacted Siglent NA support, and they re-produced the problem on their end, and said the work-around is to Use Firefox or IE, or use older FW re.
I then went ahead and installed firmware (again downloaded from the Siglent NA web site). After this the SVA1015X is "stuck" on the screen with the Siglent splash screen only!
It will not get past the splash screen.
I did some checking, and I can confirm that the Linux based firmware is actually running; as I can use PuTTY to Telnet into the device over the LAN, and I can now connect using the web browser. but the web browser looks crippled, as there is not much there. I tried the web interface "Firmware Update" button, which loaded the .ADS firmware file, but then immediately say the update has failed.
It looks like I will need a Siglent recovery kit?
Does anyone have this for the SVA1015X?
Any other suggestions?