Moving in to 1KHz span and 10 Hz RBW begins to show the Hound's very close in noise:

NOTE: In Siglent image top level (Ref) is -20dB. Signal top is there 0dBm but unvisible.(Siglent display setting max is 10dB/div so max visible range is 100dB)

Signal 0dBm 10MHz, AM modulation 1% with 80Hz
Green trace is average what give quite ok result for also average noise level.
Yellow trace is Positive peak detector Positive peak hold. "Max hold".
Pink trace is Positive peak detector Negative peak hol. "Min Hold"
Just explanation if someone is confused with Atten and Ref level settings... Siglent can not turn for 120dB display range. So visible window can in some situations move down if there is some interesting under -100dBc.
Why 21dB Attenuator instead of Default 20dB. Just with 10Hz RBW if use default -20dB Attenuator and Ref is 0dBm and Signal is 0dBm it goes too close to some internal limiting factors. (With 30Hz RBW there is more room before hit limitst, and with 100Hz RBW agen more.) If situation is very very bad with levels then there come also visible and audible warning of course but then we are really in true ADC clipping) There is not this situation with 10Hz RBW, 0dBm signal 0dBm Ref 20dB atten. But there strat minimal level instability in measurements and something like 0.2-0.4dB random variations. This is why I set 1dB more Attenuator from 20dB to 21dB so signal peak level measurement is rock solid stabile and accurate.
Shortly: do not worry my settings. They are exactly ok for this case and do not give any kind of too bad or too good result..
Signal is there just ok over top of visible window with these settings. Also of course automatic tracking cursor follow this peak.
Why there is this modulation. Just for imagine what is situation if look same with example Rigol. These AM sidebands just perhaps barely detectable. (But not at all if minimum RBW is 100Hz, but I have heard someone have hacked it to 10Hz RBW)
Last two images: No one can promise if these are available and true in SSA3kX. World is full of many kind of experimental things out from specifications....
Specifications for SSA3000X what Siglent sell and promise at this time is: Minimum available RBW is 10Hz. Period!

Next is just for show that previous image signal level is ok when it exeeds display reference level.
Only change is ref level.