You won't get a propper answer to your question, which is pertinent: "If you upgrade a SSA3021X into a SSA3032X, will the extended frequency range be factory calibrated?".
I think the reason for the lack of straightforward answer is simple: those who purchased and hacked a SSA3021X probably don't have the required test gear to evaluate the performance in the frequency range from 2.1GHz to 3.2GHz.
You would need a calibrated signal source and propper cables and connectors to do the required measurements and those cost possibly more than the SSA3021X itself...
But otherwise, I would dare to say that the performance is as expected and the spectrum looks on spot. Does the measurements deviate within specs of a factory SSA3032X? I don't know.
Also, when you do require calibrated measurements, remember that calibration is mandatory in given intervals (depending on quality control, but normally every two years). An official calibration costs considerable money (probably uninteresting for hobby use), so if you can afford to keep your test equipement calibrated (because you use it professionally), then you don't need to hack it and should purchase the correct version/license.
Just my opinion.