Fact that that DHO1000 you are about to receive has bugs in basic triggering after a more than a year..??
And bunch of other unfinished stuff..
In a ANOTHER year we'll see how much stuff they will fix..
I wish you luck.
Thanks for the compassion.
I wanted a 10" touch-screen scope. The only Siglent option within my budget, after it became apparent that the 1000X HD will not go beyond "teaser" status this year, was the 2000X plus. Which, as you know, I had actually ordered, and only switched for a Rigol DHO1000 when that became available at exactly half the price of the Siglent.
It was a difficult decision with mutiple tradeoffs (resolution vs. bandwidth, "interactive" vs. "analytical" use). The price did play a role, since the 2000X Plus was already well above what I had planned to spend initially. The SDS1000X HD might have been the better compromise for me, but who knows when and whether that will actually become available. I got scolded for my "this might not be the right time to buy a scope in this class" doubts in another thread.
So here we are -- I am very happy with the DHO1000 after a quick incoming check, and will dive deeper after Christmas. You might be weighing things differently than I do, but I did not read about any bugs or functionality gaps which I would consider severe for my intended use. (Clearly, your use or interest may be different.)
And after you announced you are buying it I did not try to persuade you out of it, and in fact had said that it is good deal for the money. 10" scope for that discounted price is good deal. As I already explained pro at contra (ad nauseam in fact) to you and others I presumed you chose with good insight to what to expect and what you need. And that is more than enough for me.
As I said, I hope you will be happy with your choice. I, for sure, weigh things differently, we are different people after all.
Your stance I find to be realistic. After you start using scope every day, please let us know how it goes.
In meantime Rigol might even fix few things..
To explain my point (and my passion behind it): it is not fact that there are bugs that is alarming to me. As Fungus correctly stated, all devices will have some bugs to some extent at release. Problem is that Your DHO was released a year ago, and Thomas just today finds a bug with triggering. And that is not a problem per se. Problem is that these bugs are just weird. At certain trigger setting it does not work. It works in general, but at certain setting it does not. That is extremely problematic type of bugs that point to problems in testing and development (algorithms should work as a rule not as an exception).
To wit comes the "minefield". You never know when it will stop working. A Russian roulette of a sorts.
That vehemently disagrees with me. I rather they tell me it simply does not have that feature. I find that a great problem with instruments I'm supposed to trust. Implicitly.
At this point I don't, when this Rigol DHOxxxx sereis comes in question.With time, I will probably change that opinion when Rigol catches up with stuff..