Just purchased a SDS2104x PLUS , (and it came with SDS2000X Plus Firmware - 1.3.7R5 )
So I copied the python code from
https://repl.it/@wxq849034624/PrettyAbleGuiltware-1#main.pyand pasted it into
https://www.programiz.com/python-programming/online-compiler/ (so I could edit the scopeID without having to register on the repl.it site)
Then copied my scopeID from: Utility/System Setting/System status on the scope menu's to the above python code, pressed Run and up popped up all the keys I needed.
The only slight stumbling block was I had to go from my base 100MHz to 200Mhz, then I had to jump to the 350Mhz key, then on to the final destination 500Mhz, because the others inbetween all produced "Invalid data"
The Bandwidth keys needed a re-boot afterwards, the other options (MSO, MANC and SENT) didn't.
Scope now reports on screen as a SDS2504X PLUS , I didn't need to go near a computer connection, all done on the 'scope screen.
Thanks to all concerned.