I measured the noise floor of my SDS2140X plus at the full bandwidth (500 MHz).
At the vertical setting of 1mV/div this is 74uV, which is even better than the spec of 80uV.
But if I set the vertical to 5mV and higher, the floor noise also increases, while the gain decreases. At 10V/div this is even 131mV. See the attached screen dumps.
Can someone explain why this is so?
Siglent is quite conservative with specifications.
Short version?
Noise will be proportion (percentage) of full vertical dynamic range (sensitivity).
Input of the scope consists of input attenuator, buffer and amplifier block(s) (VGA), ADC driver and ADC, each with it's noise contribution...
Different sensitivities will be achieved with different attenuation/ amplification factor combinations.
For example, attenuator before amplifier will decrease input signal say, 10x, but all other parts after that will keep the same noise. Since we are at 10x larger range, noise goes up 10x, input referred.
There are quite a few combinations being used between all the available ranges so noise will sometimes be different than predicted if we had few simple attenuator /fixed gain blocks.