I picked up my SDS2104X Plus today. The date on the Certificate of Calibration is 7 March 2021 (a Sunday!). I had ordered it on 26 March.
It came with four PP215 200 MHz probes. Also, the six optional features have been pre-installed from the factory. The temporary options are: MSO, SENT and Manch, and of course the Bandwidth upgrade. What’s are SENT and Manch options good for?
I connected the scope to my network via LAN and I ❤️ how I could not only monitor the scope but also control it via the web browser on my MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, iPhone, or even via my 21” Wacom tablet - all simultaneously! I can even mirror the screen of my devices onto my 65” TV or 133” FP screen. It’s super amazing! This is a much better feature than an HDMI output - like Rigol’s - which provides only one-way communication to one TV.