Copy and paste the following code here, you must not be logged in for the page to work find your scope id, use scpi command SCOPEID?
To enter keys, use scpi command LCISL optioncode,hexkey
To change bandwidth, use scpi command MCBD hexkey
import hashlib
SCOPEID = '0000000000000000'
Model = 'SDS2000X+'
bwopt = ('25M', '40M', '50M', '60M', '70M', '100M', '150M', '200M', '250M', '300M', '350M', '500M', '750M', '1000M', 'MAX', 'AWG', 'WIFI', 'MSO', 'FLX', 'CFD', 'I2S', '1553', 'PWA', 'MANC', 'SENT')
hashkey = '5zao9lyua01pp7hjzm3orcq90mds63z6zi5kv7vmv3ih981vlwn06txnjdtas3u2wa8msx61i12ueh14t7kqwsfskg032nhyuy1d9vv2wm925rd18kih9xhkyilobbgy'
def gen(x):
h = hashlib.md5((
hashkey +
(Model+'\n').ljust(32, '\x00') +
opt.ljust(5, '\x00') +
2*((SCOPEID + '\n').ljust(32, '\x00')) +
key = ''
for b in h:
if (b <= 0x2F or b > 0x39) and (b <= 0x60 or b > 0x7A):
m = b % 0x24
b = m + (0x57 if m > 9 else 0x30)
if b == 0x30: b = 0x32
if b == 0x31: b = 0x33
if b == 0x6c: b = 0x6d
if b == 0x6f: b = 0x70
key += chr(b)
return key.upper()
for opt in bwopt:
print('{:5} {}'.format(opt, gen(SCOPEID)))