I just found out how much the ..
SPL2016 16 Digital Channel Logic Probe for SDS2000X Series retail for
Is there an in-depth review OR teardown on these puppies ??
Just curious why such a premium price
Are there any 3rd party devices that can be used instead ...
Just curious at your personal experience with using the SDS2000X Series for logic analysis - or should I stay clear and get some dedicated kit
This one I have designed for personal use in my HAM-Radio shack / lab.
It is basicly a small size direct adapter from standard dupond clamps to siglent edge-connetor.
Design goals:
- fully compatible to original probe
- less expensive
- small form factor
- very low input capacitance
- very high channel uniformity
- mimimzed crosstalk between channels
- 10:1 fully compensated voltage divider
- impedance controlled layout
- precision CNC milled housing shells (POM)
- edge connector design according to socket-manufactor datasheet
- input impedance 100k
| 2pF
- channel skew difference <= 0.3% FSmax
- gain tolerance <= 1%
This direct adapter approch has it's pro's and con's.
- lower cost (no expensive special ribbon coax cable)
- much lower input capacitance (2pF against 18pF)
- DUT should be located relativly close to scope to avoid cross coupling on too long clamp wires
I am testing the first prototype at the moment. So far with very satisfying results.
Digital signals from 1Vpp to 20Vpp are reproduced very accurate, measurements of period und pulswidth are on par with generator setting.
Analog signals are discriminated with low jitter regardless of frequency and risetime, you can clearly measure the hysteresys of the scope internal comparators.
Next tests will be the effect of considerable longer clamp cables on crosscoupling and ringing with hight slewrate pulses (20Vpp / 800ps), stay tuned...
PS: I think I could convince my CEO to produce a small batch at a reasonable prize.