Hi all,
As others, a great thank you to Svrbinek for the "upgraded" manual.
A pity that doesn't come from Siglent himself.
I played again with my "pimped" SDS2104X-Plus and have some bad things.
The internal generator is very limited, it include several build in waveforms,
but no way have modulated waveforms available...
I have also experienced an issue, when I saved a waveform on USB key,
the previous recorded waveform was overwritten by the new !
Anyway, without understand why and just after seeing options in some menus,
that seem work now and each new saved file have a new name ( xxx_01.png ,xxx_02.png , xxx_03.png, etc....).
To follow near...
I Played also a lot with the Bode plot and I found an unexpected behavior that occur at low frequency (10Hz-10kHz range).
Sometimes there is a wrong measurement and spikes appears on Bode plot result.
You can show below an example :
This of course not come from my setup, i checked twice.
There is even no DUT, Generator output is sent to both scope inputs that made Vout/Vin, so we expect flat response.
AS you can see, there is a fault spike. There is no noise source source around me.
I have also a complain about the bode plot, i really don't understand why the frequency range is limited to 10Hz.
The generator itself can go to much lower frequencies...
I think the Siglent algorithm to make the Bode plot measurement is not very well optimized,
Bode plot take lot of time (If i compare for example with Analog-Discovery).
So nothing unacceptable, but Siglent have room to work on a new improved firmware..