If you comment in this thread, please only things about BodePlot II in SDS1x04X-E models. There is lot of topics for other things with this scope! And if not, make new.I will show here some of my tests and observations about Siglent new BodePlot version II for SDS1104X-E and SDS1204X-E.
(BodePlot is also known as FRA or SFRA,
New version (II) is so advanced in this price class that it is best to introduce in separate thread what handle only BodePlot version II and nothing else.
I will soon but slowly collect here some tests, details etc, depending how I have time and how do my outworn eyes condition allow.
Previously there have been BodePlot version I.
New Bode Plot II is first time published with FW 6.1.33
Imho it is really big step to right direction.
There is some new functions and also many other improvements. It is more like totally new design, not like "facelift".
BodePlot II is now an amazingly good and versatile tool especially considering the Price Range.
I have also feel that they will still develop it better later.
Although it is astoundingly good it still needs some finishing and UI fine tuning to improve operating ergonomics. Yet, even if it were not developed any more, it is a good real tool.
It is not just an extra line to the sales brochure. It is a real tool with significant real value. But it need Siglent Signal generator.
BodePLot II have same basic limits as also first generation BodelPlot.
SFRA max frequency range is 10Hz - 120MHz (or less if used Siglent generator max is less).
With its frequency selective detector and automatic Channel Gain system it have well over 110dB max dynamic range.
1 channel for phase reference/DUT input level reference. (user can define what channel is for this)
3 channels for DUT outputs with Phase and Amplitude. (user can define channels)
Minimum span is 500Hz and maximum full available frequency span.
In Linear (step) sweep mode it can use 10 - 500 data points for span in use. (with 500Hz min span, 1Hz step)
In Linear step sweep mode user set center and span and steps in this span.
In Decade (log) (step) sweep mode it can set for 2 - up to 275204396* points/decade what can give up to ~500pts for used span. In this mode user set start and stop frequency and points/decade.
*with higher frequencies and narrow span this points/decade value is big. Just select "max" using virtual panel and you have around 500 points with this frequency span.
It can run in two modes.
Channel Gain:Auto mode ( more dynamic range specially over ~100kHz. Slower sweep than with Hold mode. It automatically continuously adjust scope input V/div setting (using also fine adjust) during sweep, depending DUT output level, for optimal result)
Channel Gain:Hold mode (faster but max dynamic range is less, this mode keep channel V/div settings constant (remember first adjust best V/div so that signal do not clip in any point (for manual setup I recommend max 8div p-p for better level accuracy)
Sweep mode can be Simple (constant level) or Variable level. In variable level mode it use user defined table for sweep level profile. Profile can have max 10 data pairs, for freq and level. Between table points do linear interpolation for levels.
It need perhaps BodePlot II User Reference Manual (not these simple nonsense User Manuals). Except that after every FW it is obsolete..
There is so many things, what may confuses an inexperienced user, or if experience is from different device and imagines it to work like another. Of course it can be used with a try-oops-try method but many times it leads to frustration and then barking that it works wrong.
But, as told, there is also things what Siglent need develop better and also fix some bugs.
In all my tests and comments things are based to SDG1032X/62X using with SDS1x04X-E. (with this I can not do tests up to 120MHz)
SDG FW version 01.01.33R1
and oscilloscope FW 6.1.33
About dynamic range. There is not clear simple answer. It depends..
If think DUT what do not have signal amplification answer is bit more simple.
Example if use SDG1062X and whole bandwidth 10Hz to 60MHz.
BP II maximum setting for SDG level is +19.5dBm. (6Vp-p to 50ohm)
But SDG1000X can not this over 10MHz. (Under 10MHz it can around +24dBm but BodePlot can not set this, max is 19.5dBm)
SDG 1000X maximum over 10MHz is +17.96dBm (5Vp-p to 50ohm)
Now, if with these facts and when DUT can only attenuate 0 or more we can use roughly up tp 110dB dynamic range when over 100kHz. Using 17.9dBm input it is better say that dynamic range is 100dB
(there is some frequency what may have noise level is down to -120dB (ref 17.9dBm as 0dB) but base noise level is not constant and in worst places it is near -100dB, in this test Ref go ti Ch1 and Ch2, 3 and 4 terminated.)
Note: Under 50kHz~100kHz frequencies dynamic range is less and bit weird,
later about this.. Also displayed base noise level do not correlate this. These tests take time when use full resolution and I want keep the testing accuracy at a somehow good acceptable level. Also it is more complicated what I initially thought, so I need carefully think what and how I test. Also with full resolution and over many decades one sweep take time when run it in channels gain auto adjust mode.).
Here images
10Hz - 100kHz and 10kHz to 60MHz (ref 17.9dBm ref 0dB)
Signal (DUT in/reference Ch1 17.9dBm, Ch2, 3 and 4 terminated except positions where 0dB attenuated reference signal connected to channel for check level)
How fast it do these. When all three DUT out channels are on and channel Gain Auto mode and Log sweep and max freq resolution. Both of these BodePlots takes over 20 minutes.
Of course now when channels can adjust gain automatically and if signal level is higher also dynamic range rise. But in turn if need use lower level reference/DUT input signal it also reduce available dynamic range, noise floor stay in its position.
And then if want use fixed channel gain (Channel Gain Hold) of course then this kind of dynamic range is not available at all. (I will show some tests later but now need find some accessories after accidentally burned some terminators and step attenuator
Example if there is selected 10mV/div. Abs max signal level is ~100mVpp and in practice better stay <80mVpp. Now attenuate it 40dB. What you can see. Just do not use fixed (channel gain Hold mode) if need maximal possible dynamic range. There is noise and there is 8bit ADC. (I do not know what method Siglent use for pick up signal out from noise but it looks like there is some method in use(?) in BP II.
Here two BodePlot images -- not as I want do it (due to my burned
step attenuator) but also with these it can somehow see.
Channel Gain:Hold modeIn this image channel gain is in Hold mode. I have adjusted levels so100Hz give good visual level on screen and stay in most linear range.
It can see that (of course) around -40dB it goes to troubles. Signal is these so small. Still it can detect phase but with eyes if look normal YT display can not see "nothing" but reference signal and Ch4 around straight line and signal barely visible if know what to look. (If use example over 64 trace average there can see just around one bit (on screen 2 pixel) height rectangle duty depending about small posssible offset)
And then corresponding YT images from 100Hz and 800kHz
Here is YT image with same setup when freq is start point 100Hz
This YT image is in same setup when freq is 800kHz. As can see - what you can see...
if voltage is divided by 100 it means 40dB drop. Look BodePlot, dynamic range is very limited.
We have 8 bit ADC. Can you use every single bit. No, you can not. This is real world, not from ideal world what do not exist.
Channel Gain:Auto modeIn this image channel gain is in Auto mode. When it sweep and signal drops it also rise sensitivity using fine steps. (as can see in image where it have reached 2.06mV/div when signal is attenuated ~55dB so it can see well.
And then corresponding YT images from 100Hz and 800kHz
Here YT image how it is in 100Hz sweep start point when BP2 have adjusted levels automatically.
It looks like this when frequency is 800kHz and BP2 have automatically adjusted levels.
During sweep it continuously watch and adjust levels. Here can see level is roughly 4div height p-p and level related to reference can easy measure, visually roughly -55dBref as can see also in bodeplot (and of course phase)
With this method it can reach relatively high max dynamic range with basic 8bit imperfect ADC.
With higher frequencies, for more accurate phase.
You need compensate setup cable delays and channels skew.
note: some image names have error
100k is wrong and need be 100Hz