"An error occurred during a connection to cld.pt. You have received an invalid certificate. Please contact the server administrator or email
I've just checked and I have no problem downloading the zip. Anyone else has the prob? The link is perfectly valid.
I think it is a firewall related problem.
I am pretty much sure that the bandwidth is software controlled parameters because I will not be surprised if one finds something like "xxx_bandwidth_update_license", "xxx_app_pro_bw_if_license_match_bw", etc.
Most likely, one can also finds the references to the files
And I will not be surprised if those files also attracts someone's attention
There are might be also some bizarre strings in the license checking code like "XXNEr:PRODuction:MODE" which may imply that there is some sort of testing mode unlocking everything and used for testing during production.
Just saying. And a question just out of curiosity. Let's say one would want to try this unpacked firmware on the real hardware, how he would do that? As far as I know the builtin update procedure accepts only ads files.