I updated to the latest firmware while I had it, but I returned the DS1054Z last week.
Thanks for ur quick reply KungFuJosh.
a) What was the original firmware rev num ?
b) What was the latest version number to which you updated?
c) Board Revision number?
d) Would you care to share the dealer website url?
a,b,c, don't remember.
d) Not impressed by the dealer. Any authorized dealer should give you the options free, it's a Rigol promotion, not specific to the dealer.
I'm in the US anyway, and you would need a local dealer unless you're gonna be ordering from a US dealer?
To give you an idea why I'm not impressed, Tequipment (the dealer) shipped the Rigol to me in the Rigol product box by itself. Naturally, UPS damaged the box (assuming it wasn't already damaged). When I returned it, the dealer (obviously) wanted me to return it double-boxed (as it should have been in the first place). I'm still waiting for my refund. So, no, I don't recommend them.
By contrast, I ordered my Siglent from CircuitSpecialists. They shipped the Siglent double-boxed in the first place, and neither box was damaged. They were very friendly and helpful on the phone, and included a cheapo DMM for free. It was a much better experience.