Sequence mode segment/s speed table is now quarateed max speed instead of average maximum. Guaranteed max speed is speed where every trig leads to segment acquisition.
Test with new FW version (also called as P06):
Oscilloscope (SDS1202X-S) in Sequence mode.
Trig normal, rising edge. Sequence lengh maximum amount of segments with current t/div.
In Sequence mode, display settings dots or lines/vectors, persistence settings and Sin(x)/x on or off do not affect acquisition max speed inside one sequence.
External pulse generator (SDG5000) generate pulses in burst mode.
Amount of pulses in one burst is exactly same as in oscilloscope amount of segments in Sequence.
Initial pulse interval faster so that scope can not trig and capture every pulse.
Burst is manually trigged out when oscilloscope is waiting signal.
Adjusted pulse interval until scope can reliable trig and capture every pulse (one pulse - one segment).
Repeated test so many times that it is sure result was not lottery win.
Repeating is important because when oscilloscope run, there may exist some small variations in trigger rearm time,
perhaps due to scope other running processes but also input signal is not perfect.
(perfect do not exist in nature, all what we have is total sum of all errors. Perfect exist only in school books and )
If final result is that it can capture guaranteed speed say example 24565 segment/s without any loose, result is then always rounded down to nearest step what is used in table. 100, 10 or 1 - so in this case to 24500 for get "tolerance margin."(Steps used: 50us, 100us/div step 10 and 200us - 1ms/div step 1, all other t/div step is 100.)
Maximum average wfm/s is tested with enough high input signal frequency and measured average over around 1 second.
Note also wfm/s burst speeds and also this very unexpected low frequency "double pulse" test very fast trigger rearm. In some cases with natural signals in practice they may give some times small advantage for find some rare unwanted glitch etc. What ever but it is never bad thing to know and understand how test equipment work.
After every whole Sequence is captured, oscilloscope display whole one Sequence segments overlayed in display even if amount is 80000 segment in Sequence. After then it is ready to next Sequence. Processing time between whole Sequences depends also what are display settings.
Sequence mode is highly improved and also some bugs fixed in FW version P06.
But as all know there is not free lounges. Mapping every single segment to display after whole sequence is ready, depending amount of segments and display settings may take now more time. (example: if there is one channel 40000 segments and segment lenght is 700 points it need handle 28 000 000 lines even if there is not but every step from data point to next need check. So, if you want continuously run several sequences with lot of segments it is better to use display mode dots. If you want lines when you are in stop state and looking individual segments you can use lines. (and zoom vertical, horizontal, do measurements, math etc.)
With this new improvement in Sequence mode it is more useful because now it can sure see if these is some anomalies in some segments, without need to go looking separate segments using History/segments viewer in stop mode.
Right side bottom table (segments/s, CH1+CH2 in use)
Sample speed in this part is wrong 1Gsa/s. Right is of course 500MSa/s (for both channels)
In )left side) wfm/s Ch1 + Ch2 it is right.
Right side bottom table (segments/s, CH1+CH2 in use)
Sample speed in this part is wrong 1Gsa/s. Right is of course 500MSa/s (for both channels)
In )left side) wfm/s Ch1 + Ch2 it is right.