Due to new FW there was also chance in Sequence mode so that maximum number of segments inside sequence is chanced (improved from max 1000 segment to max 80000 segment) I have tested if it change some other things in Sequence aacquisition. I have not seen other notable changes in Sequence mode. Here some random images collected during tests.
In this case there was around 50MHz sinewave input to SDS1202X CH1
Horizontal speed 50ns/div (1GSa/s). Segment lenght is 700ns (one waveform)
Display mode dots.
Acquisition mode Sequence and with this setting, maximum number of segments in sequence is 45526.
Sequence mode running continuous mode (repeating until user stop).

This first image is from SDS2304 what is connected to SDS1202X Trig Output.
In upper window there can see whole sequence period including small part of next period starting near right side of window.
Whole period is bit over 260ms. Segments acquisition phase take around 91ms in this case. Segment aacquisition repeat period is 2 us. (45526x2us) This 2us segmeent period can see in bottom window where is separate individual segment trig out signals visible. After this sequence acquisition time scope is busy and can not start new sequence. At this time it is processing what it have acquired and also update to image some segment so that user can see something). Also it do things what have been waiting because scope is very busy so that it can minimize trigger recovery time and take asap new segment. In this case there is 700ns segments and between segments 1300ns dead, but speed itself is 500kwfm/s (ksegm(s).
Next 3 images are from SDS1202X screen.

This is what is visible in SDS1202X TFT during this sequence mode running. (sequence number counting and waveform image updated slowly (looks like once per whole sequence) At this time nearly 4 times/second something like "single shots"...
Next two images show something about stored segments watching.
After get single shot or continuous mode wanted segment acquisitions and want look what there. Scope stops if push History button (if not stopped due to single shot sequence) After pushing history, you can look stored segments just as you can do if you stop scope from normal mode and want look waveform history. Only difference is how they have acquired. Wiew and operate with these "segments" or "waveforms" or "frames" (how ever we want call these) is same.

In this image, Sequence mode captured segments (waveforms)*) watched using FFT and here in this image segment number 29371. (yes FFT settings are not optimal here, just for show it can do for segments and of course same same can do for normal history waveforms. )
segment = waveform = string of ADC samples what lenght is current used memory lenght.

One segment (top window). In this case there is 45526 this kind of segments what is displayed in upper window (in this case segment number 10300).
Of course there can do measurements and pan-zoom details. In this case segment is 700 data points captured using 50ns/div setting. These can watch whole display or windowed display zoomed. Also measurements can use. Of course these are full undecimated raw ADC sample strings, not display images, even if segment/waveform lenght is 14M..