Time to send it back to the dealer for repair!
Yes indeed, or at least calibration, if this can be calibrated out.
Did you reverse the connections when you split the signal to the two 'scopes? Sometimes you can get weird issues with BNC connectors.
Otherwise, perhaps the front end is damaged. Is this consistent between channels?
I have tried different cables, but at such low frequencies I don't think this should matter.
Both channels show almost identical distortion - so probably not damage.
I can suspect there is differencies between individual units.
Yes, my guess too. So, we now have two SDS1kX samples showing similar distorted LF reponse and two other samples showing good (flat) responses. Not much data to draw a firm conclusion, but some indication that any given SDS1kX might have this issue. We also have a number of other captures from other scopes showing no LF problems, which I think shows that we should expect to see an undistorted 100Hz sqarewave on any scope.
Here in last image blue is ref A, stored using 1ms/div and 100Hz square. Yellow is 1kHz square. As can see its frequency freq components are inside quite flat range in front end frequency band. As can see 100Hz square shape follow same shape what can see in image where was low freq sweep. In sweep of course shape is "reversed" because sweep is from low to high but in square shape top and bottom shape from left to right is from high to low if think freq)
Many thanks rf-loop for doing this additional capture. It's good to confirm we both see similar result in time domain too. (For comparison, below is my result with cursors added). At higher frequencies (>~200Hz), I don't see any problems on my unit either.
So, I've contacted my dealer (a German supplier) and will report back if there is an outcome there. Many thanks to everyone for taking the time to do screen captures and respond - this really is a very nice and super helpful forum!

One last thought is that perhaps this is a firmware issue, a problem with the self cal routine? If it's possible to do, I'll try to revert to an older firmware and see if that makes a difference (I'm using the latest version at the moment). (no, not the firmware).
Thanks all!