Not sure if Siglent has access to a NPR creating routine, or builtin type waveform. A waveform covering say 10MHz to 1GHz with 100 or more channels per decade and one channel (or more) without any signal within.
I don’t think so, but you can have a look yourself. The inbuilt arbitrary waveforms are almost exactly the same as in an SDG6000X (and presumably SDG2000X).
In general, when you find a way to perform this test with your SDG6000X, I can certainly repeat it with the SDG7102A.
You seem to be interested not only in the linearity of the output (buffer) stage, but also the DAC itself. In this regard, the SDG6000X should be even better, as it is 16 bits as opposed to the 14 bits of the SDG7000A. On the other hand, we have seen that its output stage is a little on the weak side…
With the channels full to the "brim", say to -40dBm or higher if they can be generated, then the one channel without any signal will show a lower level where the other channels "spill" into the "well". The NPR is the "well" signal level minus the "brim" level in dBm.
Of course this needs to be viewed on a very high quality SA if these results are good, so the SA doesn't distort the final resulting spectral display.
This begs the question, what NPR ratio do you expect to see, or in other words, what NPR do you need for your tests?
The SDG7102A can deliver up to +13.5 dBm at 1 GHz. If we use noise instead of sine waves, then the total output signal has to be limited to 160 mVrms for a reasonably flat spectrum up to 1 GHz, see first screenshot:
SDS6204 Pro H12_Noise_1GHz_160mV
We get a similarly steep transition from passband to stopband if we limit the bandwidth to e.g. 100 MHz:
SDS6204 Pro H12_Noise_100MHz_334mV
As to be expected, the measurement statistics for the 1 GHz noise spectrum shows exceptional high variations. Of course, this would have been even more impressive if I had the statistics left running overnight…
The noise floor of this measurement is about -105 dBV, this would limit the measurable NPR to about 36 dB – even if we were able to apply a notch in the noise spectrum. With a “real” SA (one that is definitely lower noise than the SSA3021X), the situation is rather worse. So I guess this test is not well suited for wideband systems. Not only do we need the notch function, but we also have to apply a lower frequency limit, so to define a relatively narrow band (e.g. GSM band) where the measurement can deliver useful results.
Especially the oscilloscope demonstrates the problem very clearly, because other than the usual SA, its input sensitivity and full scale voltage is totally transparent and very well controllable, with low noise – at least for frequencies above some 10 MHz. Even though the noise signal level was just 160 mVrms, I had to use the 500 mV/div vertical gain setting to avoid overrange. Consequently, the noise floor cannot be better than around -105dBV. A higher generator level cannot solve this, because it requires a lower input sensitivity, hence also higher noise floor. The only way to get a better S/N ratio than the ~36 dB demonstrated above would be to reduce the bandwidth. I would think, half the bandwidth should result in 3 dB better S/N, because the signal levels can go up by 3 dB. For a total of 72 dB S/N, we’d need to halve the bandwidth 12 times, which would be about ~250 kHz. Not very useful unfortunately...
EDIT: corrected the expcted process gain to 3 dB.