On the picture, you can see, that in the beginning, the frequency is constant for about 1s. (notice the constant artefacts, that show a constant frequency from '-1s' to '0s')
It is a 3s sweep from 100Hz to 30MHz.
Is this a normal behaviour of such devices? I would have expected the frequency to rise without steps.
(Yes, i know, its a noobish question, but i accidently posted it in the wrong section, and cant delete it.)
I have an advice for you.
Every time you have a problem like this, ask yourself what did you expect to happen. And how would you do it if you were to make a such device.
Let's turn the thing upside down. From 100Hz to 30MHz in 3 seconds....
Is it log or linear sweep?
If linear, that is roughly 10MHz/s sweep.
At time:
zero +1s you are at 10MHz (100ns period)
zero +100ms you are at 1MHz (1µs period)
zero +10ms you are at 100Khz....
At zero+10ms you are still at first period of 100Hz .... hm...
How can it beeee... Maybe we cannot ask AWG to generate mathematically/physically impossible frequencies....