Just a note, that on my unit the Channel 1 to Channel 2 phase error at 100Hz can be as large as 18 microseconds!!!
Crazy!!!! It's like they're not even on the same clock and it seems totally random. I sure hope these resistors magically address all these issues.
No, these reistors change do not change this timing jitter. It affect voltage glitches there before rising edge in images.
Also these do not help phase error.
Just specially square wave is exeption...
It is also why there in specifications read:
(and note word "typical!")
Is it typical if 97.5% of samples show under 0.1% time error and all rest show example max 0.3%?
And this is jitter +- time from exactly right.
Of course becouse jitter is random it may show Channel to Channel peak error double.
But if jitter type time error... long time frequency is just as accurate as freq reference. Using external reference for SDG and frequency counter can proof it very easy.
Jitter (in this square wave and specially only in it) come from system how it is produced.
Square wave is derived using PECL comparator from internal sinewave what is produced in DDS system as also normal sinewave out. In Square function system produce sinewave frequency (what freq you set for sqr) with fixed level and it go to comparator. This comparator method is not very accurate due to many type of error sources... sivevawe have noise... all have noise... and then there come slowly changing (lo freq) sinewave and comparator look if it go over voltage treshold. (this voltage treshold is also used for adjust duty%)
Sinewave to comparator other input.
Treshold (Duty% adjust) to other input.
Out square.
These resistors affect ONLY to PECL Comparator hysteresis. Changing this hysteresis can reduce voltage glitches, as shown in test images before.
PECL is:
Analog Devices ADCMP562
If need square wave but better accuracy... I recommend use pulse mode.
Here is what datasheet tell about square.