Yes, I'm not sure what he's trying to prove there.
I'm showing real world scenarios instead of dry theory, including importance of proper dot mode which will show analog like representation even if situation is totally hopeless for Sin(x)/x. But I understand this is new concept for you because your scope cant do it. 
Edit: Attached same 200MHz edge square sampled at "hopeless" 200MSa/s due to maxed out memory at 10ms/. Dot mode saves situation and gives visual that scope having ~10x of memory would deliver (repetitive signals only).
This is normal with Siglent's SARI.
Thanks god Siglent display modes - interpolations are fully post processed. Also in stop mode and in history buffer or segment buffer user can afterwards full freedom to select interpolation method or just real dots. It never flush out real ADC based samples.
Here is a rather extreme example of how Siglent's well known
Interleaving - SARI works.
This is somehow like LeCroy's "Random Interleaved Sampling Mode - RIS" cousin. (do not still mix, they are still very different)
Here some old images (I do not translate here full text with these images) Sorry bit low gamma in images.
Original signal with 500MSa/s

Sample interval 20ns
fNyg 25MHz and signal 45MHz what also have lot of higher freq components (harmonics). Just totally hopeless - of course.
But then we have opportunity - SARI. Just turn off all interpolations, just true dots alone. Sequential acquisitions are still horizontally adjusted right related to trigger time position and - here in next image is result, is our original signal. Trigger engine works well and use "oversampling" and interpolation between decimated samples for adjust position. (of course if full sample rate then it do normal oversampling-fine interpolation between true samples as all modern scopes with full digital trigger engine do)
Sample interval 20ns.
Of course in this very extreme case there is not anymore enough dots (due to sampling interval and wfm/s*) for draw continuous line but here persistence helps.
*One TFT frame do not include so many sequential acquisitions overlaid due to window zoom and main window time base. With more fast wfm/s rates of course dots density is much more high.
Of course SARI have also its limits and then more importantly, signal need be enough repetitive.
Do not mix this with some oscilloscopes ETS mode. SARI is not conventional DSO's ETS.