This is a digital oscilloscope, Gould 450
Pretty much beaten up, exploded line filter was removed by somebody else, I did remove the leaking RAM buffer battery. It has a built-in plotter with dried out pens and no more paper.
Due to the removed battery it does a lengthy self cal at power up, but it shows plausible signals. It has some post storage signal (digital) filtering functions that can be applied to the stored traces, cursor readout and some measurement functions.
So, I guess it was quite a sophisticated scope when it was new, but no more useful today. Any cheap DSO is supposed to do a better job.
The writing on the top cover says "Defective, Do not turn on" (with a missing "t" at "Defekt"). Anyway, that didn't hinder me, see the pics.
So what is your strangest, most beaten up, crappiest, whatever piece of Test Equipment? Post some pictures!