Also, someone asked me for advice on the Rigol DS1000Z vs the Siglent SDS1202X-E.
It's sometimes difficult to compare scopes, so many features and subtle differences you only notice with real usage.
But in this case the Siglent is a clear winner.
The fastest time base for which the Siglent is capable of working in roll mode is 50 ms/div. The slowest is 100 s/div.
For the Rigol, however, the fastest time base in roll mode is 200 ms/div, which is too slow to be able to see the audio envelope properly. The slowest timebase is 50 s/div.
50 ms/div gives you a pretty good detail of your transmission envelope, allowing you to see individual phonemes, while 200 ms/div mostly shows complete words.
As a makeshift data recorder for slowly changing parameters, the Siglent wins as well. Remember that one of the functions of an oscilloscope is to be like a magnifier of the time domain