Author Topic: Keysight - (Full) Lists of SCPI commands  (Read 4613 times)

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Keysight - (Full) Lists of SCPI commands
« on: April 21, 2020, 03:51:04 pm »

Attached please find a list of ALL SCPI commands that are included in the following Keysight equipments.

It contains the public and the hidden ones. This was extracted directly from the infiniiVisionCore(.dll) files.

(There can be some incomplete characterization of the parameters types for those commands that have multiple params. I tried my best... )

  • InfiniiVision 1000 X-Series (1000XSeries.01.20.2019061038)
  • InfiniiVision 1200 X-Series and EDUX1052A/G (1200AXSeries.02.10.2019111333)
  • InfiniiVision 3000T X-Series (v7.20 FW)
  • InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series (v7.20 FW)

As an example, here are all the embedded SYSTem commands in a Keysight InfiniiVision 1200 X-Series FW:
Code: [Select]
SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB:SELF:ADDRess                 #0520  SET 003ACCB0  GET 003ACCD4  P0_8A1D90
SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:CONTrol                       #0521                GET 003ACCE8
SYSTem:COMMunicate:TCPip:CONTrol                     #0521                GET 003ACCE8
SYSTem:DATA:VALue                                    #0549                GET 003AD194
SYSTem:DATA:VERify                                   #0548                GET 003AD180
SYSTem:DATE                                          #0523  SET 003ACD40  GET 003ACD88  P1_Int16
SYSTem:DEBug                                         #0524  SET 003ACD9C                P1_BoolNrf
SYSTem:DEBug:CLEar                                   #0531  SET 003ACF50
SYSTem:DEBug:DATA                                    #0532                GET 003ACF60
SYSTem:DEBug:DESTination                             #0525  SET 003ACE00  GET 003ACE24  P0_8A3F24
SYSTem:DEBug:DISPlay                                 #0530  SET 003ACF08  GET 003ACF2C  P1_BoolNrf
SYSTem:DEBug:FNAMe                                   #0526  SET 003ACE38  GET 003ACE44  P1_String
SYSTem:DEBug:STATe                                   #0528  SET 003ACE98  GET 003ACEA4  P1_BoolNrf
SYSTem:DEBug:TRANsparent                             #0529  SET 003ACEC0  GET 003ACEE4  P1_BoolNrf
SYSTem:DEBug:WMODe                                   #0527  SET 003ACE60  GET 003ACE84  P0_8A3F0C
SYSTem:DIDentifier                                   #0550                GET 003AD1A8
SYSTem:DSP                                           #0533  SET 003ACF64                P1_String
SYSTem:ERRor                                         #0517                GET 003ACC64
SYSTem:HID                                           #0550                GET 003AD1A8
SYSTem:INTernal:ASSert                               #0586  SET 003AD4A0
SYSTem:INTernal:CRASh                                #0587  SET 003AD4A4
SYSTem:INTernal:FWD                                  #0611  SET 003AD6BC                P1_BoolNrf
SYSTem:INTernal:INSTall                              #0589  SET 003AD4AC                P1_String
SYSTem:INTernal:LAN:ADDRess:DNS                      #0598  SET 003AD570  GET 003AD57C  P1_String
SYSTem:INTernal:LAN:ADDRess:DNS2                     #0599  SET 003AD588  GET 003AD594  P1_String
SYSTem:INTernal:LAN:ADDRess:DNS3                     #0600  SET 003AD5A0  GET 003AD5AC  P1_String
SYSTem:INTernal:LAN:ADDRess:GATeway                  #0597  SET 003AD558  GET 003AD564  P1_String
SYSTem:INTernal:LAN:ADDRess:IP                       #0595  SET 003AD528  GET 003AD534  P1_String
SYSTem:INTernal:LAN:ADDRess:SUBNet                   #0596  SET 003AD540  GET 003AD54C  P1_String
SYSTem:INTernal:LAN:APPLy                            #0593  SET 003AD4DC
SYSTem:INTernal:LAN:AUTomatic                        #0594  SET 003AD4F0  GET 003AD514  P1_BoolNrf
SYSTem:INTernal:LAN:CONFiguration                    #0603                GET 003AD5DC
SYSTem:INTernal:LAN:NAMe:DOMain                      #0602                GET 003AD5D0
SYSTem:INTernal:LAN:NAMe:HOST                        #0601  SET 003AD5B8  GET 003AD5C4  P1_String
SYSTem:INTernal:MTOTal                               #0591                GET 003AD4C4
SYSTem:INTernal:MUSage                               #0590                GET 003AD4B8
SYSTem:INTernal:REBoot                               #0588  SET 003AD4A8
SYSTem:INTernal:RTC                                  #0551  SET 003AD1B4  GET 003AD1C8  P0_8A1D90
SYSTem:INTernal:RTC:FT                               #0552  SET 003AD1DC  GET 003AD1E8  P1_BoolNrf
SYSTem:INTernal:TSERial                              #0592                GET 003AD4D0
SYSTem:LANGuage                                      #0536  SET 003ACF8C  GET 003ACF98  P0_8A5248
SYSTem:LANGuage:DEFault                              #0537  SET 003ACFB4  GET 003ACFD8  P0_8A5248
SYSTem:LLED                                          #0538  SET 003ACFFC  GET 003AD020  P0_8A3E24
SYSTem:LOCK                                          #0539  SET 003AD034  GET 003AD040  P1_BoolNrf
SYSTem:MENU                                          #0560  SET 003AD270                P0_8A3E4C
SYSTem:NETWork:LOG:STARt                             #0605  SET 003AD630
SYSTem:NETWork:LOG:STOP                              #0606  SET 003AD634
SYSTem:PERSona:MANufacturer                          #0534  SET 003ACF70  GET 003ACF7C  P1_String
SYSTem:PERSona:MANufacturer:DEFault                  #0535  SET 003ACF88
SYSTem:PRECision                                     #0522  SET 003ACD08  GET 003ACD2C  P1_BoolNrf
SYSTem:PRESet                                        #0519  SET 003ACC9C
SYSTem:PRODuction:CADC                               #0558                GET 003AD234
SYSTem:PRODuction:CALibration:FACTory                #0581  SET 003AD438
SYSTem:PRODuction:CALibration:FACTory:STATus         #0582  SET 003AD448  GET 003AD464  P0_8A3ED4
SYSTem:PRODuction:CALibration:LOG                    #0579                GET 003AD40C
SYSTem:PRODuction:CALibration:MODe                   #0580  SET 003AD410  GET 003AD41C  P0_8A3EB4
SYSTem:PRODuction:CALibration:RST                    #0578  SET 003AD408
SYSTem:PRODuction:CALibration:SIGGain                #0583  SET 003AD474                P0_8A1D90
SYSTem:PRODuction:CDF                                #0571                GET 003AD36C
SYSTem:PRODuction:DOWNload                           #0569                GET 003AD354
SYSTem:PRODuction:GPIO                               #0559  SET 003AD248  GET 003AD25C  P0_8A1D90
SYSTem:PRODuction:INIT:STATus                        #0585                GET 003AD494
SYSTem:PRODuction:KEY                                #0573  SET 003AD384                P0_8A3E3C
SYSTem:PRODuction:KEY:MAXimum                        #0574                GET 003AD3A0
SYSTem:PRODuction:KNOB                               #0575  SET 003AD3AC                P0_8A3E3C
SYSTem:PRODuction:KNOB:MAXimum                       #0576                GET 003AD3E4
SYSTem:PRODuction:LAN:MACaddress                     #0562  SET 003AD294  GET 003AD2DC  P1_UInt8
SYSTem:PRODuction:LAN:RESet                          #0563  SET 003AD318
SYSTem:PRODuction:LICense:ID                         #0566                GET 003AD338
SYSTem:PRODuction:LICense:INSTall                    #0567  SET 003AD344                P1_FileDef
SYSTem:PRODuction:LUG                                #0564  SET 003AD31C  GET 003AD328  P0_8A3E7C
SYSTem:PRODuction:MLOCkout                           #0577  SET 003AD3F0  GET 003AD3FC  P1_BoolNrf
SYSTem:PRODuction:MNUMber                            #0555                GET 003AD218
SYSTem:PRODuction:NAND:MTD                           #0584                GET 003AD480
SYSTem:PRODuction:RPRocess                           #0570  SET 003AD360                P1_String
SYSTem:PRODuction:SEAL                               #0554  SET 003AD208  GET 003AD20C
SYSTem:PRODuction:SERase                             #0565  SET 003AD334
SYSTem:PRODuction:SNUMber                            #0556                GET 003AD224
SYSTem:PRODuction:SSCRipt                            #0561  SET 003AD27C  GET 003AD288  P1_String
SYSTem:PRODuction:SSTorage:CLEar                     #0557  SET 003AD230
SYSTem:PRODuction:TFRequency                         #0553                GET 003AD1F4
SYSTem:PRODuction:UPLoad                             #0568  SET 003AD348                P1_String
SYSTem:PRODuction:USB:HOST                           #0572                GET 003AD378
SYSTem:PROTection:LOCK                               #0542  SET 003AD0A4  GET 003AD0C8  P1_BoolNrf
SYSTem:RFP:ACTion                                    #0608  SET 003AD680                P0_8A1D90
SYSTem:RFP:DISPlay                                   #0610                GET 003AD6A8
SYSTem:RFP:LED                                       #0609                GET 003AD69C
SYSTem:RLOGger                                       #0524  SET 003ACD9C                P1_BoolNrf
SYSTem:RLOGger:CLEar                                 #0531  SET 003ACF50
SYSTem:RLOGger:DATA                                  #0532                GET 003ACF60
SYSTem:RLOGger:DESTination                           #0525  SET 003ACE00  GET 003ACE24  P0_8A3F24
SYSTem:RLOGger:DISPlay                               #0530  SET 003ACF08  GET 003ACF2C  P1_BoolNrf
SYSTem:RLOGger:FNAMe                                 #0526  SET 003ACE38  GET 003ACE44  P1_String
SYSTem:RLOGger:STATe                                 #0528  SET 003ACE98  GET 003ACEA4  P1_BoolNrf
SYSTem:RLOGger:TRANsparent                           #0529  SET 003ACEC0  GET 003ACEE4  P1_BoolNrf
SYSTem:RLOGger:WMODe                                 #0527  SET 003ACE60  GET 003ACE84  P0_8A3F0C
SYSTem:SETup                                         #0518  SET 003ACC78  GET 003ACC8C  P1_SysSDef
SYSTem:SIDNstring                                    #0544  SET 003AD0F4  GET 003AD100  P1_String
SYSTem:SPATh                                         #0543  SET 003AD0DC  GET 003AD0E8  P1_String
SYSTem:SPLash                                        #0604  SET 003AD5F8  GET 003AD61C  P0_8A3F58
SYSTem:TIME                                          #0540  SET 003AD04C  GET 003AD068  P1_Int16
SYSTem:TZONe                                         #0541  SET 003AD07C  GET 003AD088  P1_Int16
SYSTem:USB:EJECt                                     #0547  SET 003AD160                P0_8A3F44
SYSTem:USB:PLISt                                     #0546                GET 003AD154

(Note: I didn't do any cleanup/aggregation after extraction. I leave that to whom may find this helpful.)

« Last Edit: April 26, 2020, 04:31:40 pm by tv84 »
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Re: Keysight DSOX1200A-G - List of SCPI commands
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2020, 04:23:34 pm »
Thanks for the post! I'd like to do something similar for a different scope model. Can you elaborate on how you extracted the command list from the FW package/application?

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Re: Keysight DSOX1200A-G - List of SCPI commands
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2020, 07:10:52 pm »
Trying to figure out their linked lists structs. It's far from complete regarding the parameters but, for the rest, it's pretty much complete.

Which is the other model so I can see if it applies?

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Re: Keysight DSOX1200A-G - List of SCPI commands
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2020, 10:43:23 pm »

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Re: Keysight DSOX1200A-G - List of SCPI commands
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2020, 01:25:03 am »

I thought that might be a typo for MSOX3034A until I searched for MSOV334A.

Hmm, MSOV334A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope: 33 GHz, 4 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channels, with a list price of only US $362,730. Probably just a bit uncommon with the general membership here...
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Re: Keysight DSOX1200A-G - List of SCPI commands
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2020, 01:41:10 am »

I thought that might be a typo for MSOX3034A until I searched for MSOV334A.

Hmm, MSOV334A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope: 33 GHz, 4 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channels, with a list price of only US $362,730. Probably just a bit uncommon with the general membership here...

The underlying architectures are based on the same interfaces and @tv84 seems to have an in depth understanding of the implementation or at least methods for poking around.

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Re: Keysight DSOX1200A-G - List of SCPI commands
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2020, 02:37:09 am »

I thought that might be a typo for MSOX3034A until I searched for MSOV334A.

Hmm, MSOV334A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope: 33 GHz, 4 Analog Plus 16 Digital Channels, with a list price of only US $362,730. Probably just a bit uncommon with the general membership here...

The underlying architectures are based on the same interfaces and @tv84 seems to have an in depth understanding of the implementation or at least methods for poking around.

I wasn't questioning the skills and knowledge of tv84 in any way. Just slightly surprised someone was asking about a scope with a list price greater than $300K. If that is a scope that you actually use, is there anything you can publicly share about what sort of work you do with it? Just curious, that's all.
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Re: Keysight DSOX1200A-G - List of SCPI commands
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2020, 06:00:21 pm »

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Re: Keysight DSOX1200A-G - List of SCPI commands
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2020, 06:06:45 pm »
When you want to do an update , a Keysight guy will go to your place with a golden USB key?  :)

I'll try have a look at your app (HUUUUGE file...).
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Re: Keysight DSOX1200A-G - List of SCPI commands
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2020, 07:26:58 pm »
...golden USB key?  :)

I'll try have a look at your app (HUUUUGE file...).


So are you decompiling the .exe and then looking through the source?

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Re: Keysight - (Full) Lists of SCPI commands
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2020, 09:16:17 pm »
Completed the 1200 X-Series commands and added the 4000 X-Series.

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Re: Keysight - (Full) Lists of SCPI commands
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2020, 10:05:19 pm »
4000 series code has many commands that are not supported, histograms and jitter for instance.. It seems 3000T, 4000, and 6000 share common codebase...

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Re: Keysight - (Full) Lists of SCPI commands
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2020, 09:26:53 am »
4000 series code has many commands that are not supported, histograms and jitter for instance.. It seems 3000T, 4000, and 6000 share common codebase...

I can't confirm/deny but, for every command inside, I list all the FW functions' addresses that responds to them (SET/GET). Of course, if the equipment doesn't have that capability, the command/function might never be called or answered.

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Re: Keysight - (Full) Lists of SCPI commands
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2020, 01:26:35 pm »
Sorry guys, the previous P0_params tables were incomplete.   :-[

Now all is fixed.   :D

I added the 3000T scope  (it seems basically as the 4000, as 2N3055 said, with only different memory addresses).
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