Let us know how you get on. I was planning to buy a BM869S from X-On in the new year.
It got delivered to the door in 6 days! X-On seem a pretty responsive eSales store and I had no problems buying the meter. One thing to remember though is that if you buy without registering an account you cant track your package. I did the simple PayPal purchase and discovered for tracking you need an account.
Having a play with the meter and testing out the ranges I have to say I'm very impressed. Its fast, responsive, accurate and stable, not only stable display values, but also very stable when on its stand. My 121GW wobbles on its stand and needs 2 hands when turning the selector switch. Its just so easy to use this meter with one hand.
The USB Kit for data logging should arrive soon from Hong Kong and I'll give the app a test on my laptop running Win 10. I have downloaded the software from Brymen and it looks pretty basic but should do all I want.
I didn't need the VFD and dual temp probe features of the BM869S otherwise the two meters are identical with just a few measurements having better accuracy on the BM869S. I think you will be pleased with the meter when you get it next year.