VICTORY !!! It works like a charm, the issue, as I've imagined, was the crappy NAND flash, probably 95% of all the non-booting scopes with different colored screens.
It was the
gremlins with missing keys in the memory dump, second memory dump was OK, all options available, now is a MSO1104Z
plus extra options 0.5mV/DIV, "DG" and "Power Ana(log ?)", does anybody know what is with last two options ?
"DG" could mean Data Generator, how can one access or control it ?
"Power ana", well this is a full mystery to me
, any help is very appreciated.
I'll make a new topic about them, this could be interesting for other people as well.
On the other side:
"...dumped 67108863 bytes in 8789.756836s (7.456 KiB/s)"Please, if you have any ideas about a fast and relatively cheap JTAG adapter either reply here or in my "Other Devices" topic, this "USB Blaster" is beyond pathetic.
Now finally we can close this topic.