Nice to see BP UI is bit improved (settings)
If you open dual display, trace + table do this displayed table still show these highly truncated rounded frequency values for data points.
Btw, other question, is it possible you take out table data and upload it so that we can see what is real BP engine data resolution in primary table behind displayed traces and table in SDS5k or SDS2kplus. Siglent really need pick up these values also to displayed table. It is important because also cursors resolution is based to this displayed table instead of true primary table. Of course it is not problem with wide span sweeps over decades but as seen previously, utterly useless with narrow span sweeps.
Further info for you to inspect.....note from SDS5kX and as previous posts using 0 dB stimulus from SDG1032X for 1-30 KHz BP filter.
Points, Decade vs Linear view, decade max is 216/dec, linear max is 500 points.......with settings used for this BP filter....not yet tried other settings.
Settings = Decade, points max.
Table enabled as requested and Data file attached, remove txt extension.
BTW, widen the csv columns and 7 digits past the decimal point are visible !
Bode Plot engine primary work is to do primary table using every sweep step precise frequency, measured level and measured angle using full resolution from meas math. This is all what it produce.
But because users need see something on screen this data must use for produce visible things.
This means also that you can set what ever vertical scale for display level draw and for display angle draw. Also you can vertically shift these where ever and force it stay with these settings. If signals image go out from display no problem at all... because all is still there in primary table... you movw display and it draw from table...
Then there is table what user can take to display. This table do not show full primary table(s) resolution. Yes there is tables... if you use all three channels there is three primary tables.
Now, when user narrow or very narrow band SFRA this displayed table display resolution have been and is very poor and what more bad also cursor use this poor resolution. But behind TFT screen all time there is available this full resolution primary table what is heart of whole BP. Btw, if you dowload it... you can see.
If user download primary table out from scope he can analyse it more. But more. For later needs it can also load back to scope and look as what ever just done BP.
@tautech .csv have example about this full resolution. Here attached clipped image where can see what it include.
This displayed resolution NEED improve urgently in SDS1000 and 2000 models. Btw I do not like how they now show level! It is much better if tightly stay in dB and not jump to m (mdB) without real reason. Again, what you thing there in Siglent or what you smoke. -0.667 is well enough and good for readability because somewhere is it jump 10.76, 666m, 1.365, -75m, -11.57 and so on... s t u p i d. keep it like 000.000 and same for freq, do not jump dimensions ninside one table... and keep decimal point place.
Here is primary table what BP engine do. BP Displayed all graphic and data, all is derived from this primary table. BP have resolution. More than enough.
But also users need see resolution....please do not hide it in cases when they are useful.
Also SDS1004X-E do this same kind of full resolution proimary table as also SDS2000XPlus and other Siglent models what have BP.
And small edit for cursors data and for table. Of course not as nice as I like but l do not have image editor software, just irfan.
Keep fixed decimal, keep decimal point position, Hz, space for 000 separate... all right alingn, so all do not jump here and there when values change in table rows... readability, ergonomic, including visual ergonomic and it need include also colors selection...
Perhaps they can finally read even one old HP journal before 2025. Why this learning curve is so slow, why it is so difficult... WHY?