Let’s see what you get as a replacement, there has been numerous reports for recent purchases in the U.S. to still be on the 1.00.00 hardware, due to the tariff war, Rigol must have stocked the U.S. market full of older inventory. But I thought Rigol pulled all the hardware with the dim screen from inventory and updated them. And BTW, you don’t know if the scope has been updated if it is 1.00.00, only Rigol will know, which is absurd. They supposedly keep track of all fixes by serial number, just that they don’t share it with you unless you call for service. And they don’t advertise the screen fix either for unaware owners.
So don’t expect the Infoline and service portal from Keysight, this is Rigol and one of many reasons why I advised against it as a brand. As a owner, you have the right to know what fixes has been applied to your own scope.
And the screen becomes usable after fix, not bright, it is never R&S bright. The Siglent is 500 nits I believe, like the iPad.