These three musketeers are just that kind.
I don't mind the 1-minute switch-on time, I let it warm up for a couple of 10 minutes. If I start doing something and use it several times, I don't turn it on and off...
This is also true for the DM858.
If I need to measure something quickly, my Owon HDS scope meter is there for that.
Or, according to my new habit, I use the Multimeter part of the Owon SPM, at my desk.
I'm not going to throw away my Fy6800 either, it's more than adequate, if I need a more accurate and complex waveform, I'll turn on Rigol and while I wait, I'll occupy myself with something until then.
I can never understand why anyone would be bothered by the 1 minute power-on time with these devices. The minimum heating time is also written on more serious instruments.
Or does it have no practical use, and I just operated my devices unnecessarily?