I agree with Phil:
The HM605 is my HAMEG favorite and one of the best analog oscilloscopes ever manufactured by Hameg.
It is still my workhorse.
The best would be the HM1005 but it lacks a component tester which is very useful for troubleshooting.
What are the advantages of the HM605?
- Enough bandwidth for most analog and power applications
- Very bright cathode ray tube (14 kV post acceleration)
- Excellent syncronisation
- Very easy to use
- There is no true dual time base but he has an ajustable delay quite usable, although not as good as a true dual time base. (jitter problem)
- It has an Y output on the rear panel that allows you to connect a frequency counter.
- it is very robust and easy to repair, most parts are still available on the market.
- Its size is reasonable for a CRO.