Please follow this link to the discussion thread on version forward:'s my attempt to catalog the bugs and wish list items for the Rigol DS1000Z oscilloscopes. This should apply to the regular and -s versions, but may not apply to the MSO versions) I'll try to modify this top post as people add their found bugs and wish list items. Hopefully Rigol will see this thread and respond to it.
This list is for software version: 00.04.02 and 00.04.03 only, with the current hardware (possibly only board 0.1.1).
Rigol fixed the following bugs (according to their documentation between 4.02 and 4.03):
- Modified the method of key board test and screen test and optimized processing speed.
- The display of keyboard lights and the show of menu was wrong while switch the timebase mode between YT and ROLL in the Normal trigger mode.
- The saved data of REF waveform was wrong while STOP the system then open the channel.
- The output of AUX was wrong while the function of Pass/Fail was closed.
- The display of LA signal was wrong while adjust the delay calibration of LA signal.
- The position of LA wave and label of LA channel was wrong while load the file of LA waveform then RUN the system.
- The wave of channel1 can not be displayed while open the scan mode then switch the channel2 over and over again.
- The position of LA wave was wrong while load the file of LA waveform before change the position of the LA channel.
- The memory data of LA channel was wrong when use the remote command to read.
- Save the CSV file failed while the system stopped.
- Fixed the bug of unlocked the key board failure when save the file.
1) The new Large and Extra Large measurement fonts are nice, but they are reset to Normal on each power cycle. This should be retained like all the measurement settings are.
2) The Select Item sub-menu on the Measurement menu has 5 check boxes implying that it should be useable for Normal font too, but it's grayed out. The only way to remove a measurement from the screen using Normal font is a power off/on cycle.
One member has already suggested that the left side menu as a series of on/off toggles as the means for including/removing the measurement. This in conjunction with the Select Item sub-menu (which could turn on/off the display position of an item) might give maximum flexibility and ease of use.
3) The FFT function only works for channel 1. However it will work for the other channels as long as channel 1 is turned on. It's actually more complicated than that for more details see this thread:, the FFT cdisplay shows bad aliasing under most circumstances. See this thread for more details: The Large and Extra Large fonts cover up items that display at the bottom of the screen. For example the brightness indicator and the math equation.
5) Some users have reported that the zero line of the trace is not perfectly centered after doing a calibration. This is not an issue on all units, however, so might be more of a hardware variability item. Users expect that all traces along with their channel number indicator should perfectly centered on the display (on top of each other) after a calibration.
(See this post for some post-calibration screen shots:
If it's not possible for the calibration routine to automatically do this, maybe allow the user to manually set the channel offset at the exact center and save that value until the next calibration.
6) Writing full memory to a CSV file takes an extremely long time. Write speeds seem to be about 0.15 MB/sec instead of the expected 10MB/sec or so.
7) When show measurements from the MATH trace the units don't match to the units selected (or computed) in the MATH function. For example: Ch 1= Volts, Ch 2=Amps, Math= Ch1 x Ch2 will show Watts on the trace but MATH measurements will show Volts, instead of correctly showing Watts.
8 ) The 20M Bandwidth Limit setting for each channel is not saved, it resets of OFF each power cycle.
9) If the following settings are used:
Input signal: probe compensation 1kHz square wave from the scope
Trigger: DC / CH1 / 1.5V
High Res /
120k mem. depth
Horizontal position:
0ps Horizontal scale:
50us/div The scope will display the waveform shifted by around 75us. See details in this picture:
10) Some users have reported scope lock ups when setting memory depth to AUTO, timebase to 1us, zooming in and changing the persistence from MIN something else. Apparently not all users experience this problem but those that do can reproduce it every time. See this thread for much more detail: Remote I/O menu will not allow selection of LAN if USB is ON. You need to unplug the USB device first.
12) Inside the CSV file, the scope stores the "increment", in the memory dumps that increment is 25X longer than it should be to correctly represent the expected sampling period. For example: if the increment is 10us, one has to set the time increment to 400ns (2.5MSPS) in order to get the correct plot of data.
13) RAW mode of data acquisition over USB returns garbage, rather than the waveform.
Wish List Items:
A) Full screen X-Y mode, the current display is tiny. Also, allow screen persistence to be set in X-Y mode.
B) Decoders should allow DATASRC to be either Trace or Memory. This is documented in the manual but apparently only Trace is implemented, so this might be a bug. Even the SCREEN option could be improved so that decoding starts at a start-bit not at the left edge of the screen.
C) When displaying a math function allow the underlying channels to be hidden.
D) Compress and move the waveform to the bottom of the screen when Measure All is on as is done, optionally, for FFT display. Also for measurement history.
E) Allow Measure All to be selected in the AUTO options menu.
F) Allow the user to hide the left and right side menus. Also the left side menu is often irrelevant and that screen space could be used for other display items.
G) When selecting a channel, show some corresponding channel color around the settings instead of having everything in just white. Maybe just change the color of the tiny CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4 label next to the Coupling setting.
H) Use a larger font for the popup keyboard.
I) Save the last few file names in the Storage menu for faster access. Maybe use the left side menu for this? Alternatively, just remember the last file name entered and allow the user to increment any trailing digits. So TEST0001 would go to TEST0002 automatically (or will a key press).
J) Allow the trace Display Persistence Time to be turned off -- instead of just MIN. The scope would then just show each waveform as it's captured and blank the display before showing the next. Even the MIN persistence level can hide some detail.
K) Allow larger fonts for certain items. For example: timebase, trigger level and channel gain (volts/div). Also use a larger icon showing the coupling (DC/AC/GND) next to the channel gain.
L) Use a different color for the math trace, something that stands out better, maybe red?
M) Allow the user to select a color for the A and B cursors, individually. Currently they are distinguished by a solid and dotted line both in white.
N) Allow for selectable FFT size (number of points: 128, 256, 512, 1024) calculation -- ie, trade off speed for accuracy.
O) Show the trigger type and coupling method (DC/AC/LFR/HFR) next to the trigger type icon in the upper right corner.
P) Consider moving the selection of the trigger coupling method to the top-level trigger menu instead of the Setting sub-menu. Same for the Holdoff.
Q) Allow for variable high and low pass filtering for each channel, as was done in the earlier 1000 series scopes.
R) Add boxes for Math and Ref to the bottom bar alongside the channel info. Color coding them and added relevant info such as gain or offset offset voltage.
S) Allow for a simple screen title. Maybe allow more text to be added via a PC connection, perhaps a query that could be responded to with a key press on the scope.
T) Hardware frequency counter shows "<15Hz" when the STOP button is pressed even though it had been showing a valid value. It would be best to freeze this value like other measurements are.
U) Ability to save a Recorded data to USB drive.
V) Consider checking the way the menu system works, as follows:
Push a soft menu button to open a menu, push the same button again to close the menu.
When a menu is open you can use the light blue up/down arrows to select an item in the menu, or use the multifunction knob if you prefer that. When you have the correct item highlighted in the menu, push the soft menu button again to select the item and close the menu (or push the multifunction knob if you prefer).
W) Change file file numbering scheme so that instead of using the first available file number simply use a sequential number (stored in persistent memory) until reset by the user.
X) Use a meaningful amount of decimals in the horizontal position display (e.g. '0.00000000 ps' should be something like 0.0 ns since the smallest step size is 0.1ns)
Y) Have the FFT function compute an average if the channel it's set to is set to "average" in Acquire menu. Other single-argument math functions seem to do this.
Z) Allow a push of the trigger level control to set the trigger level at the 50% level or at the 0% level - as it currently does.
AA) Improve the response of the vertical and horizontal position movements, they have quite a bit of lag.
AB) It would be helpful to be able to see the on-screen ASCII table when setting up an RS-232 trigger.
AC) Add (wired/wireless) USB keyboard support for navigating menus and character input.
AD) Add a menu option to allow the user to set the offset voltage (or whatever the current units are). This is in addition to the normal offset control knob.
AE) Allow MATH to be used in the X-Y mode. This means that instead of 6 options of what to display there would be 20 options (so that MATH can be either X or Y).