... how badly does this affect normal signals you are checking on the scope?
This is really good question!
Does it make small 100-200mVpp signals unreadable, or just butt ugly?
No and yes. It depends how user use probes or how user connect signal to the oscilloscope input.
And it depends what you are doing.
This claim I can repeat agen becouse this can be some kind of starting point for thinking:
There is oscilloscope input BNC connector. From this point to inside and finally visible waveform on the screen there is no problem. In this oscolloscope class this is cleanest what I have seen. Even if oscilloscope individual is this "GND noise issue" unit or usual "normal" unit. I can compare also these.
Analog front end and ADC is good, and extremely good in this class. If someone have better, welcome with it to my workshop and let's make test for compare in real world with equal tests.
But then there is this dirty side:
First, if you do something very sensitive and you need turn off all swithc mode lights and computer and phone and energy saving lights and if HF/VHF/UHF radio/TV stations RF fields do problems it is best you forget this Owon and specially unit what have this extra "noisy GND" issue. Becouse it radiate RF from its several SMPS circuits and then other things like TFT is also radiating EM noise but this is not Owon alone.
If you need "EM black room" you need absolutely forget this Owon (good and bad individuals, all) and also nearly all other oscilloscopes exept some very special equipments. I have example one RF generator what can take to "black room" (HP8642B with low EMI options. It is so heavy there read it need two person for carry)
Owon made some changes to main power unit and adaptr board.
After these changes this noise level rise.
This total noise include spread spectrum and from these noise sources inside scope it travel by radiating and conducting and outside of scope it can say it is "common mode" noise. Somewhere near circuits it is differential mode also - of course.
It radiate and it may this way pollute your signal or it can travel also using your probe cable and pollute signal. Common mode noise things are very complex and it is not easy understand how they affect. There is so many things and also now this is really spread spectrum noise. Some frequency components do other things and some other, they are like group of different animals.
It looks fynny, if you move your probe cable, if you touch it with hand, if you move your device under test... all may do some change what you see.
Now there is several things what can do for reduce this problem. I do not explain here now these exept...small amount. But it need somehow understand it. You can not see anything about this noise as long as it stay common mode. If you see it, you have somehow changed it to differential mode or piced up it as differential mode.
First test you can really see how it works and then think "why":Take your probe and connect it 10x and oscilloscope 50mV/div(scope setting 10x for probe but it do not mean anything if you forget it 1x... then just 5mV but change it in your mind)
Connect probe GND wire to Probe comp 1kHz output GND. Connect probe center tip to same point.
Turn oscilloscope for quite slow horizontal speed but highest possible samplerate (using max memory) OR turn acquire mode to "Peak".
(in peak mode it use always full samplerate for find highest and lowest sample in one sample "group" (explanation, if displayed samplerate is 1Msa/s and there is 1GSa/s samplerate it means it drop out 999 and keep one. In my text this "group" meant this 1000 sample. But peak mode look these samples for find "min-max" )Then do same but open your probe pouch and find small metal spring. Take probe tip hook away. Insert this spring over tip GND area near center tip. So that all spring turns are over this (for avoid extra inductance). Now, connect your probe GND and center tip agen to probe comp. out GND. Where is noise? Why?
Ok lets make other test (and remember, probe comp out is NOT clean, it is only made for adjust probe compensation and there HF noise is not problem.
Connect probe tip to probe comp. signal and GND spring spike to probe comp GND.
Do not connect probe black GND wire. First look 1Vpp and then turn (scope input DC) even to 100mVdiv or 50mVdiv. Look signal bottom. Adjust trig and vertical shift if need.
Noisy? Very very noisy?Then, take GND spring away and just same using probe black GND wire.
Noisy? More than just before?Why there is so big difference and only with this quite small difference in probing method?It is good to understand least some amount.
(these are also important things for probe use with high frequancies/fast risetimes signals, always, not only this case, even with best possible oscilloscopes.)
I have made tests using one "noisy GND" individual factory original unit and units what I have last get directly from factory.
Just due to lack of enough free working hours these all results images are just raw "in the basket all together" and then lab hand write paper notebook explanations. It need work before they are ready for publish. And then, if I show these. I'm biased seller - so.... I do not know if I do it here or not.
(90% of my customers are local and they can come visit and see with they own eyes if they want)So, answer for this
Does it make small 100-200mVpp signals unreadable, or just butt ugly?
No and yes, depends how you do and what are you doing.