hello friends! I'm a new member of this fantastic site and forum!!!I'm an italian technician and radioamateur old man.
I buy the dso scopemeter , but i don't know the typical parameter the scopemeter digital because i used only analogic scopemeter.
Well, I'm going to buy a digital oscilloscope that is at least 100MHz bandwidth is not necessarily to 4 ch (2 ch are sufficient) sampling frequency of at least 1GB of memory and depth from 12 to 14 MTPs.
I saw these models:
Siglent SDS1102X (electrical parameters as requested by me is great, but I'm not sure of the reliability of the brand)
RIGOL DS1054Z (I have to be sure that today is still hackable as necessarily have to do to upgrade to 100Mhz from the site key generator)
RIGOL DS1052E (not sure if you can still do the hack upgrade to 100Mhz and deep mem is insufficient to 1 MTPS)
RIGOL DS1102E (not sure if you can do the hack upgrade mem deep from 1 to 12Mtps MTPS)
What specifically is the Mem deep? all we need? 1 or 2 MTPs are sufficient or is it better to buy an oscilloscope with deep memory of MTPS 12-14?
My preference in the draft order is:
1 - Siglent SDS 1102X
2 - Rigol DS 1054Z
2- Rigol DS 1052E
4 - Rigol DS 1102E
What do you recommend? It 's still possible to hack upgrade of the 4 models? many thanks for your help