Gigatronics 1018 generator, Tektronix 7104, 7A29, 7A24, 7B10, 7B15, Krohn Hite 1000 FG, hp 3326A synthesizer, Vari-L mixer.
Have a Tek 2467B, it is used only when a portable is required. Sits in storage most of the time. Tek 7000 simply has better performance, ergonomics and MUCH better configurability due to plug-ins.
Balanced mixer, 1.5Ghz carrier, 1Khz sine modulation, trigger on modulated signal.
Balanced mixer, 1.5Ghz carrier, 1.25Mhz triangle modulation, trigger on modulated signal.
Gigatronics 1018 set to AM, 1.5Ghz carrier, 30Khz modulation. Trigger on modulated signal:
Tek 7104 has zero problems triggering on a modulated signal at 1.5 Ghz carrier.
Using both time bases, top is the 1.5Ghz carrier, bottom is the 1Khz sine wave carrier:
2 Ghz sine wave:
Another way to measure this:
Gigatronics 1018 to 1.5Ghz carrier, 30Khz sine AM mod, hp 8566B:
Gigatronics 1018 to 18Ghz carrier, 30Khz sine AM mod, hp 8566B: