Author Topic: Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator  (Read 172574 times)

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Offline BlackICE

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #275 on: April 12, 2020, 05:40:26 am »
Does that software control oscilloscopes and function generators too and log and display the results?

Offline masterx81

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #276 on: April 12, 2020, 07:05:37 am »
No... i was playing with it for dc load, multimeter and power supply and i've noticed the calculator that does the iterations for find the best resistor match between serial/parallel

Offline masterx81

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #277 on: April 12, 2020, 05:11:44 pm »
I've reopened it for use the new resistor values for attenuation network (but only opened i've discovered that i've ended the 390ohm resistors :( ).
Now with 22+39 (instead of 56+4.7) and 220+27 the network is less balanced than before. With 50ohm switching from 0.5v duty 99.999 to 0.5001 it goes from 0.1247v to 0.1240v (previously 1.243 to 1.247). And putting the 390//680 resistors for sure it made it worse (as increase the attenuation). I think that i go back to the previous solution as was giving a better result.
And i was also investigating why the >5v range was off, and i've maybe discovered something.
If with no load and the usual dc 99.999 i set 1v, at the output of the opamp i have 0.5000v as expected.
But if i set the amplitude to 5.0001v (for turning on the ths amplifier stage) it jumps to 0.5160v. I need to calculate the gain of the ths stage, but i think that they have done something in software for trying to fix a non perfect gain of the ths stage.

Some measurement ant the exit of the opamp:
Duty 99.999
Set 1v got 499mv
Set 5v got 2498.6mv
Set 5.0001v got 514.9mv
Set 10v got 1029.5mv
Set 20v got 2020mv

Need to do some math
« Last Edit: April 12, 2020, 05:31:39 pm by masterx81 »

Offline masterx81

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #278 on: April 12, 2020, 10:53:48 pm »
The dc waveform does weired things...
If you are in square, amplitude 5v, and after go in dc, you hear a relay clicking going from 1.000 to 1.001
If you are in square 5.0001v, in dc you not hear any relay clicking in the whole range
If you are in square 0.5000 , in dc you hear 2 times the relay clicking. 1.000/1.001 and 2.500/2.501

Offline Johnny B Good

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #279 on: April 14, 2020, 04:19:36 am »
The dc waveform does weired things...
If you are in square, amplitude 5v, and after go in dc, you hear a relay clicking going from 1.000 to 1.001
If you are in square 5.0001v, in dc you not hear any relay clicking in the whole range
If you are in square 0.5000 , in dc you hear 2 times the relay clicking. 1.000/1.001 and 2.500/2.501

 I've been following the discussion whilst I was getting around to doing more tests with my FY6600, notably confirming your own findings that the voltage is switched by a factor of ten when switching the attenuator pad in and out of the circuit.

 After testing with 99.999% and 0.001% duty cycle square waves and DC voltages (and some sine wave testing at 1KHz thrown in for good measure), I've come to the conclusion that the 85 ohm pad should simply be replaced with a 20dB 50 ohm pad with no further questions asked.

 The results weren't entirely consistent but, putting aside the crappy iterative adjustment requirements of the W3 /16 and W5 /W26 trimpots to set both gain and the DC balance simultaneously, I think that this is the only way to proceed for now before meddling with those damned presets once more.

 It had occurred to me that any dc offsets would skew the 99.999 and 0.001 % duty cycle square wave tests so had tweaked W1 and W2 to zero the 2mV offset each channel had. Unfortunately, I then accidentally tweaked W26 (CH1's gain balance) whilst checking CH2's dc offset so landed up having to go through a more truncated version of your round of adjustments, discovering in this process the excellent reason for my not wanting to meddle with any of these trimmers in the first place!  >:(

 Now, Like you, I discovered some very peculiar behaviour when testing the DC voltage attenuator relay switching thresholds. CH2 uses the pad but now switches at the 100 and 101mV thresholds. CH1 is even more peculiar in that it has decided to not make any use of the attenuator pad!  :wtf:

 Now this may have been the result of my crashing the function generator due to connecting to my GPSDO which is powered off of a 9v wallwart which has half mains live voltage on its DC output lead (basically, the FY6600's half live voltage issue the other way round). This was never an issue until now because previous connections had all been made whilst the GPSDO or the FY6600 was grounded via the DSO.

 I'm pretty certain that the attenuator was being switched in and out around the 250mV mark (500mV in terms of P-P repetitive wave forms) prior to my discovering this old resurrected issue with Feeltech's poorly written firmware not properly recovering from the confusion of an ESD triggered lockup when rebooted.

 The strange thing is that you might expect to see rather wild voltage outputs at the points where it's supposed to switch the attenuator in and boost the voltage tenfold (and vice versa) but it just behaves as if it has forgotten the need to do any of these actions as you work through the voltage settings.

 I haven't tried to do a full system reset to clear out the corrupted settings and take it back to normal just yet. Mine, fortunately is running the later V3.3 firmware which, as far as I know , is free of the 'bricking issues' of the earlier V3.0 and V3.1 versions. However, I will do a restore to defaults after retesting this peculiar behaviour to make sure I hadn't imagined it all.

 It seems the FY6900 isn't all that different to the FY6600 after all, at least as far as the shite firmware quality is concerned at any rate. :( >:( :palm:

 I've just verified the above behaviour but the truth of the matter is that if you've quit the "DC waveform" without resetting the voltage to zero (press the dial or hit the "OK" button when the voltage is selected), you can land up with a dc offset which forms a component of the switching threshold voltage. If this is high enough it can even leave the final amplifier stage permanently switched in and you won't be able to hear any relay clicking at any level  :wtf: >:(

 This isn't the first time I've been hit by this peculiar behaviour but it's so easy to overlook the need to zero out DC offsets inherited from any "DC waveform" testing activity. :palm:

 The problem is basically just down to the shite quality of Feeltech's firmware. It's not fatal, just pretty damned annoying! >:(

 Incidentally, I've noticed some really bogus circuitry between the twin (balanced line) 5 element filter and the inputs to the primary opamp (the OPA686 in the case of the FY6600). The loading on the filter's outputs looks far from balanced and nothing like the normal arrangement for a balanced to unbalanced buffer amplifier setup.

 I suspect the real reason for this horrible interaction between the gain trimmers is to provide a means to compensate for any imbalance between the DAC904's constant current outputs (IOUT and /IOUT) which feed the 49.9 ohm resistors which turn the signal into a 50 ohm voltage source driving each half of the anti-aliasing filter which drives a 100 ohm load on the inverting output and a 100 ohm plus the variable resistance of a trimmer in series on the non-inverting output. I'd have expected the terminating impedance for this filter to match the 50 ohm feed impedance.

 One other oddity is the choice of connecting the DC offset amplifier output via a 240 ohm resistor into the filter output connection rather than use the virtual ground summing point of the opamp's inverting input pin to the same effect sans the loading it currently adds to the filter.

 I suppose this could simply be errors in transcribing the actual circuit layout to a reverse engineered diagram on DerKammi's part. Although it's been a year since I downloaded the diagrams, there's not been any amendments for the past two years and, after downloading it all yet again, the diagrams remain unmodified. It looks Like I'll have to double check the diagram against the reality of the actual hardware to verify DerKammi's very fine work.

 Assuming no errors on DerKammi's part (which I'm inclined towards) then it looks like Feeltech have made some very odd design choices that go against established wisdom. If nothing else, it's as well to understand exactly how those W5/26 and W3/16 trimmers are supposed to work before going on a quest that's likely to drive you to despair (or even clean round the bend). ::)

 That's a problem I'm not going to try sorting out until after I've fixed the attenuator issue. I've decided to use 249 and 61.2 ohm resistors from the E192 range. With a 0.5% tolerance,the resulting attenuators can range from a low of 19.96dB @ 50.28 ohms to a high of 20.1dB @ 49.94 ohms, a narrow enough tolerance range to stop worrying about hand picking components to obtain the best possible match.

 If you want tighter control you can always pick by selecting on test from a larger collection, in which case you'd probably be better off going for the cheaper E48 range and buy a bagful or two of each value (249 and 61.9 ohm resistors - or 62 ohms from the E24 range) from which to assemble 'perfect attenuator pads'.

 At these frequencies (60MHz max), the additional stray Ls and Cs from series or parallel combinations won't be any problem. When I've needed to source the odd smd resistor over the past year or two, I've looked through my collection of scrapped Desktop PC MoBos armed with a jeweller's loupe and a bright desklamp. Despite the values I'm normally searching for not being commonly found on PC MoBos, I've nevertheless usually succeeded in tracking down suitable resistors (even when Murphy has intervened and teleported my prize into a parallel universe, forcing me to resume my search of PC MoBos once more for more of the same).

 Although I don't expect to find suitable E48 examples of 62 and 249 ohm resistors amongst my PC MoBo collection, I'll still have a look before I resort to shelling out hard cash to be certain I haven't overlooked a 'gold mine' of suitable resistors 'hiding right under my nose'. There's nothing worse than spending good money on stuff you didn't need to buy.

 Ideally, I'd like to acquire a usefully sized stock of smd resistors covering a wide range of sizes and values. When I tried  tracking down such supplies recently, they all seem to be a little overpriced to my mind. I get the feeling that the suppliers are targeting hobbyists with rather more money than sense rather than people like me with more sense than money. I suspect I hadn't been looking in the right places (or searching hard enough). I guess I'm just going to have to try harder next time.


Offline Johnny B Good

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #280 on: April 14, 2020, 04:21:39 am »
 Another three images!

 The black button underneath the 10MHz extl reference socket in the 3rd image is the "thru/term" switch which allows me to daisychain the 10MHz feed onto other kit if required. It's otherwise latched in to connect a 51 ohm terminating resistor across the BNC socket as shown in this image.

 I plan on eventually adding a 4 or 8 way distribution amp but if I get another item of test gear that can benefit from an extl 10MHz reference feed before then, I'll be able to simply daisychain the feed by using a BNC T adapter and switching the FY6600's extl 10MHz into 'thru' mode and terminate the far end of the cable to avoid standing wave issues.

« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 04:52:17 am by Johnny B Good »
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Offline masterx81

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #281 on: April 14, 2020, 06:58:31 am »
Yes, the offset is  set simply by attenuating the negative input of the opamp.
And i've also noticed that if you not set to 0 the dc value going back to the square wave it maintain some offset. Software a lot to be improved. And i'm running the latest 1.3 (the autoupdate software not find anything new).
For fix a bit the amplification stage i've tried to put some selected resistor values (as you also have suggested). Now instead of near 12.10 v at 24v setting dc 99.999 i have 11.93v... impossible to set well this thing.

Offline evava

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #282 on: April 15, 2020, 12:25:47 pm »
It is crap!

Out of sudden during the work I noticed that (on my FY-6900 generator) SINE trace has other shape (is damaged) on both -
generator and scope! And on both channels together!

It made me really angry and I started immediatelly to google - and I found out that in software in menu Help there is item "Repair Sine" - LOL!

I connected generator to computer, ran Repair sine and nothing happened!
I tried many times and still nothing happend. Then I switched generator off and on, and Sine shape reappeared in all beauty  :)

How happy I am again! - Just, how long this time? What about other shapes? Why only just Sine?   :palm:

So, thank you all who contribute in this forum, for now I have replaced output resistors with 240ohms and 62ohms, that is necessary change IMHO.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 12:28:42 pm by evava »

Offline masterx81

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #283 on: April 15, 2020, 08:54:26 pm »
Johnny B Good, what is the "injection locking module"?

Evava.. you are the second that i hear that the sine got corrupted. And if my memory is good, was corrupted in your same shape. Really strange. Who know what cause it. Maybe a software bug, and it's easier to allow for rebuild the waveform than find the bug

Offline Johnny B Good

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #284 on: April 16, 2020, 04:57:37 am »
 There are, apparently, multiturn trimpots available that fit the same footprint which could help ease the calibration process.


Offline Johnny B Good

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #285 on: April 16, 2020, 05:32:26 am »
It is crap!

Out of sudden during the work I noticed that (on my FY-6900 generator) SINE trace has other shape (is damaged) on both -
generator and scope! And on both channels together!

It made me really angry and I started immediatelly to google - and I found out that in software in menu Help there is item "Repair Sine" - LOL!

I connected generator to computer, ran Repair sine and nothing happened!
I tried many times and still nothing happend. Then I switched generator off and on, and Sine shape reappeared in all beauty  :)

How happy I am again! - Just, how long this time? What about other shapes? Why only just Sine?   :palm:

So, thank you all who contribute in this forum, for now I have replaced output resistors with 240ohms and 62ohms, that is necessary change IMHO.

 Regarding the need to replace the 85 ohm attenuator pad resistors with the originally intended 20dB 50 ohm pad resistor values, I wholeheartedly agree.

 I've been browsing the earlier postings to the FY6600 thread to discover when I first mentioned the need to fix this "Skoolboy Howler" which ultimately turns out to be purely an act of malice by Feeltech's chief bean counter in forcing the designer to rethink the use of the more expensive 61.1 and 249 ohm resistors chosen from the E192 0.5% range to create the necessary attenuation and find the cheapest way to satisfy the '20dB' correction for the Hi-Z case only.

 Those resistor values were no accident. They'd been chosen specifically as the cheapest way to correct the 20dB boost built into the firmware for the Hi-Z case (matching the P-P "amplitude" settings which only apply in the high Z case anyway). I'm afraid I'd over-thought the problem, giving Feeltech way too much credit for thinking up a firmware fudge to get around a BoM error that was no error at all but a specific choice at the behest of the evil beancounter in chief.  :palm:

 It seems I first mentioned it way back on April 25th of last year. Despite my thinly disguised plea for assistance in calculating a replacement resistor network, I saw absolutely no response or apparent interest in my findings. I've edited some of those early postings with my new findings simply to set the record straight purely for my own satisfaction and for any latecomers trawling these older postings but I won't be posting any updates to that undeserving lot - they'll jolly well have to trawl through the thread if they want to see these new nuggets of information or else pick up the info from this topic thread.


Offline Johnny B Good

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #286 on: April 16, 2020, 06:14:26 am »
Johnny B Good, what is the "injection locking module"?


 It's an alternative to the switching method (mechanical or electronic) of change over from an internal (10MHz in this case) to an external reference frequency source such as a GPSDO reference (typically 10MHz).

 Instead of using a changeover switch to go between the internal 10MHz OCXO reference clock and a 10MHz GPSDO clock plugged into an EXTL ref socket as per Arthur Dent's OCXO modification posted to the FY6600 thread about 18 months or so back, the external reference is buffered and level matched to avoid disruption to the internal reference oscillator it is injecting into in order to gently nudge it into synchronization without creating an abrupt transient that could corrupt any digital processes which rely upon this as a clock source.

 The simple act of plugging the external reference into the extl ref socket is enough to have the the function generator's internal reference lock to the external reference without further operation of an intl/extl change-over switch. Simply unplugging the external reference will release the internal reference from its locked state and allow it to free run again without further ado.

 If you're interested in further details you can check out my latest posting into my topic thread here:-

 Although there are only 3 posts into this topic thread, be warned, they are all mine and each one is longer than its predecessor ::).

I've linked to the third and final (and longest!) posting which includes the "Money Shot" image of my hand drawn circuit diagram of the injection locking module.


Offline masterx81

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #287 on: April 16, 2020, 09:45:16 am »
There are, apparently, multiturn trimpots available that fit the same footprint which could help ease the calibration process.

Interesting! I've not searched for something similar, what's the footprint name?

Offline BlackICE

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #288 on: April 16, 2020, 10:40:44 am »
I would also like to know what footprint for a 10 turn pot that fits.
I'm one of the "lucky" owners that had the same sine wave corruption. What BS to have a menu item to "fix" it instead of a real lasting fix.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 11:19:00 am by BlackICE »

Offline Johnny B Good

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #289 on: April 16, 2020, 08:35:44 pm »
I would also like to know what footprint for a 10 turn pot that fits.
I'm one of the "lucky" owners that had the same sine wave corruption. What BS to have a menu item to "fix" it instead of a real lasting fix.

 Regarding "surface mount multiturn trimpots", I too wanted to know (where to get hold of 'drop in' replacements) so I googled the phrase "surface mount multiturn trimpots" and found the Bourns web site and countless links to pdfs

 I saw a reference to drop in multiturn trimpot replacements in the FY6600 thread a year or more back. I did have a look for the relevant posting but gave up and tried my luck with duckduckgo instead.

 I've attached a couple of pdfs

« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 08:37:45 pm by Johnny B Good »

Offline BlackICE

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #290 on: April 17, 2020, 05:22:58 am »
Am I going to need a hot air gun and solder paste to replace the pots?

Offline masterx81

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #291 on: April 17, 2020, 06:45:17 am »
No it's not necessary. Put a lot of solder on the 2 legs to mantain high the temperature, then move fast to the single pin and the old pot goes away. Soldering back the new one is easy.

In any case i not know why they not put calibrations in software. Cost less to them and it's more precise. But maybe it's asking too much for who put a "repair sine" function instead of fixing a bug...
« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 07:22:22 am by masterx81 »
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Offline masterx81

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #292 on: April 17, 2020, 10:05:32 am »
Someone have the device open for check what trimmer values we are searching? The original pots are in the 3x3 format, distance between 2 legs around 2mm. Maximum ext dimensions (leads included) 6x6mm.
I am thinking to glue some cilinders from the top cover to the pots and do some holes for allow adjustment while the device is closed. I've found some differences when calibrated open and when it's closed. I've used a temperature controlled pwm fan so inside the device the temp must be quite stable over the seasons
« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 10:08:18 am by masterx81 »

Offline Labrat101

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #293 on: May 07, 2020, 12:51:29 pm »

 The reason for the smaller (19.69dB) attenuation value was simply to match that of the 100/510/100 85 ohm pad's effect when the output is unloaded since Feeltech had seemingly corrected for this departure in the firmware from the 20dB they must have originally intended.  My original tests had shown less than 1mV error in making adjustments around the 500mV relay switching threshold in the unloaded test case but a massive 64mV drop in the terminated test case when going from 501 to 500mV p-p settings.

 Both channels exhibited the same pattern to within a mV or two of each other so I assumed from this that Feeltech had applied a firmware patch to correct the error introduced by using an 85 ohm pad in place of a 50 ohm pad. This correction method can only apply to either the unterminated or terminated case not both and it seems Feeltech had elected to correct for the high impedance case typical of audio frequency kit.

System impedance:      Ohms 84.75                New 50 ohm impedance
Required attenuation:      dB     21.67
Ideal series resistor:      Ohms  510.083           to keep the same db  300.932 ohm
Ideal shunt resistor:      Ohms  99.993             to keep the same db  58.993   ohm
                                                                              50ohm   @ db 21.67 

Thanks just wondered about one of your comments  the original resistor 510 100 100 Pi layout showed 21.67 db
 and you said 19.69dB. I used that calculator you used .  just add 510 & 100 in the preferred section give the ordinal data.
I have the FY6800 which also has the exact panel layout as the 6600 . I also did a lot of mods
I also noticed this error that you have been working hard to solve .. I was just adjusting the setting voltage up or down . with a bench meter 8 digit to compensate .

I congratulate you on all you work . and hours of effort .. I will try this mod for sure .
I also used laminar cooling as it gives a better air flow . used a flat fan from an old laptop and fixed it to the vertical grills at the back.
Please keep up the good work.

« Last Edit: May 07, 2020, 06:30:20 pm by Labrat101 »
"   All Started With A BIG Bang!! .  .   & Magic Smoke  ".

Offline Johnny B Good

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #294 on: May 08, 2020, 10:56:39 pm »

 The reason for the smaller (19.69dB) attenuation value was simply to match that of the 100/510/100 85 ohm pad's effect when the output is unloaded since Feeltech had seemingly corrected for this departure in the firmware from the 20dB they must have originally intended.  My original tests had shown less than 1mV error in making adjustments around the 500mV relay switching threshold in the unloaded test case but a massive 64mV drop in the terminated test case when going from 501 to 500mV p-p settings.

 Both channels exhibited the same pattern to within a mV or two of each other so I assumed from this that Feeltech had applied a firmware patch to correct the error introduced by using an 85 ohm pad in place of a 50 ohm pad. This correction method can only apply to either the unterminated or terminated case not both and it seems Feeltech had elected to correct for the high impedance case typical of audio frequency kit.

System impedance:      Ohms 84.75                New 50 ohm impedance
Required attenuation:      dB     21.67
Ideal series resistor:      Ohms  510.083           to keep the same db  300.932 ohm
Ideal shunt resistor:      Ohms  99.993             to keep the same db  58.993   ohm
                                                                              50ohm   @ db 21.67 

Thanks just wondered about one of your comments  the original resistor 510 100 100 Pi layout showed 21.67 db
 and you said 19.69dB. I used that calculator you used .  just add 510 & 100 in the preferred section give the ordinal data.
I have the FY6800 which also has the exact panel layout as the 6600 . I also did a lot of mods
I also noticed this error that you have been working hard to solve .. I was just adjusting the setting voltage up or down . with a bench meter 8 digit to compensate .

I congratulate you on all you work . and hours of effort .. I will try this mod for sure .
I also used laminar cooling as it gives a better air flow . used a flat fan from an old laptop and fixed it to the vertical grills at the back.
Please keep up the good work.

 That quote is rather out of date. Take a look at my more recent posting  Reply #285 on: April 16, 2020, 05:32:26 am to discover why the solution happens to be as simple as replacing those resistors with a set calculated for a 50 ohm 20dB pad.  :palm:


Offline Labrat101

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #295 on: May 11, 2020, 12:01:54 pm »
Hi All,
After reading pages upon pages of so many upgrades and Ideas on how to improve the FY6600 & fy6800.
I have the FY6800 which has a few differences but is the same animal that Feeltech made a few minor changes. :palm:  and much thanks to Johnny B.Good for all his inspirations . Gave me some idea's how to improve my FY6800. and a lot of research. .. |O
 I found a small mod that may have been over looked.  :-/O
So armed with my Niger solder iron , Coffee, & roll up.  :popcorn:
I Dived in .
The first issue was the cross talk on the filter stage adding noise to the op amp AD8009 1Ghz . the FY66 uses OPA686N 250Mhz .
the circuity is the same but the pins on the AD8009 are reversed so the PCB has a small difference as to swoop over the connections . So I lifted one of the 100ohm and fixed to the neg rail junction c42 & L31 and a sort wire to pin 2 of the AD8009 this removed the interference of the track under the 100ohm going to pin 3.
I also noticed on the AD8009 manufacturers data sheet recommend a small Pf cap on pin 1 (output) which
goes to 49.9ohm resistor (FY6600 has 2 * 100ohm) and then to the relay. The relay has an odd point capacitance .
 So , I used the test point just before the first relay And the ground pad adjacent and fitted a 22pf ceramic cap
so to balance the error on this line .
The out come was I now have a Square wave that Looks .. Ok you guested .. Yes Square all the way up to 25Mhz.
Before there was a lot of top over shoot and Bottom so then it started looking like a sinish square over 12Mhz.
Now with a better shape . and less noise .
Now I have figured out the noise issue I can put some thought into the jitter . which is also less . Not gone.
But with all my spare time .
     Retirement .. LockDown  ..
         I'm going to solve this Bug ..
              With or without a Vaccine ..  >:D 
 I hope this might help some one else ..   :-+ .

The Yellow  Ch1  Without mod  ..  Blue Ch2 is With Mod  ..   @ 20Mhz  3v
in the other 2 photo's the other cap was a 10pf  but was removed  later as it was too big needs to be 2pf . aint got 1 ..
Update  change 22pf to a 10pf and added another 10pf on out of op amp pin1 . Improved quality.

Conclusion it at its Max performance but it is what it is . I have come to the state  :horse:  is a good time waster
  I think i will look for a good second hand Rigol  , HP , owen , anything thats not Feeltech .

« Last Edit: May 15, 2020, 01:10:37 pm by Labrat101 »
"   All Started With A BIG Bang!! .  .   & Magic Smoke  ".

Offline kmajjo

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #296 on: May 14, 2020, 04:41:34 pm »
I bought an an FY6900 - 60M some weeks ago. At the beginning no problem then the sine wave became strange (see attached picture).
As you can see on the joined picture , when i select sine wave form i obtain a mixte of sine  and square wave form.
I sent some emails to FeelElec complaints service without having an answer from them.
Could you help me ?


Offline Labrat101

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #297 on: May 14, 2020, 09:21:45 pm »
No problem. in the PC software in top menu there is a help setting Tag . Click
  Repair sine . 
this solves it .
There is a post further up with pictures . From another person   
  evava    #282 on: April 15, 2020, 12:25:47 pm   :-+

It happen to every one I also had it .

Its also nice to know That FeelTech didn't do much on the upgrades ..
 What's the Jitter like on the 6900 ?

« Last Edit: May 14, 2020, 09:46:42 pm by Labrat101 »
"   All Started With A BIG Bang!! .  .   & Magic Smoke  ".

Offline kmajjo

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #298 on: May 14, 2020, 09:31:38 pm »

Repair sine .this solves it .

I don't understand your answer

Offline kmajjo

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #299 on: May 14, 2020, 09:35:00 pm »
Ok post #282

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