I've finally had time to finish the remaining test, the second VNA measurements with a higher quality VNA (Megiq). I could do a sweep between 400MHz and 4GHz on 3600 points, so every MHz.
S11, SWR and others are just informative, this is not a pure 50 Ohm system since the source impedance is 0 Ohm and the load is 50 Ohm, and I have parts in series. But it's still tells a bit about the system performance, so I included it.
More important is the gain VS frequency. Nominal gain is 1.3:1 or -2dB. Normally scope manufacturers define the bandwidth of a probe or a scope at the -3dB point compared to the nominal gain. The -1 dB point is 2.7GHz for this probe, and the -3dB is over 4GHz, meaning that the probe fulfills the 2GHz design requirement. I doubt that there are many people with 2GHz+
scopes that would be interested in buying this.
The choice of cabling and the scope's internal 50 Ohm (or external 50 Ohm) will be the limiting factor in all cases.