I'm starting to think I might have spoke too quickly.
So I put in the new rectifier. Mind you this rectifier only powers the right side voltage and current meters. It doesn't interface with the voltage or current controls nor the main output so even if the main outs were overdrawn I can't figure out how this secondary supply would be over drawn.
In any case, that side seems to operate correctly but now the meter display on the left side has gone out. The left side was also doing something odd. When I would turn the voltage up the voltage would jump from about 6 to 10 volts as if one of the relays that switches the transformer windings didn't click. Additionally, the voltage display on the front panel wouldn't follow the outputs. So it would say 10V even though a multimeter would measure 12+. Once I got over 14 or so volts it seemed like the display and multimeter would again agree. Also, it seemed like the left and right outputs could affect one another. So a high current load (say 2.5A) on one would cause a small drop in voltage on the other (perhaps as much as 1V). In theory these are isolated outputs but perhaps at high loads one output affects the transformer windings of the other. Then again, perhaps I have a failing transformer...