I'm looking for more details. I tried #SinglePanel 1017 302 639 278 MathReadout "Load voltage" "" "display=SDM3065X.VoltageDC" unit:V and it worked, but it's just the basic voltage.
This is what I want it to do:
Sorry, that is not directly support currently, but at some time there will be a 5way calculated readout where you can do it.
But you can do it with a small trick:
On the math page create a line with SDM3065X.VoltageDC as the formula, then use that formula as source for one of the readouts (You will have to select display format on the Current values page).
As a note: If you want the calculated panel in the GridPanel you can use:
#GridPanel MathReadout "Load voltage" "" "display=IT8512.Voltage" unit:V
Can the device be cloned, and then read from both (the same)?
There is no limit to how many readouts can use the same source, but they will in most cases share format (I believe I have listed all exceptions above).