V2.03 is up
This is mostly additions to TestController, but a few new devices has also been added.
Fixed: Brymen BM869s 500000 count mode.
Added: On Load devices page the right click menu got a option to open web documents used for devices.
Added: FFT View, used to analyse the table data for frequencies
Modified: Popups menu, moved all device function to a submenu (The menu was getting too large)
Added: #helpurl support a DEVICEIP tag that will be replace with actual device ip address if it exist
Added: Keysight DS0X2012A, Keysight DS0X2014A, Keysight DS0X2214A (Thanks bicycleguy)
Changed: jSerialComm updated to V2.90, this includes support for Windows/Mac ARM processors
Added: Center/span input for min/max on "Scales for charts", click on header to switch
Added: #resetDelay for definitions (Maybe needed for some Arduinos)
Added: resetDelay command line option (Maybe needed for some Arduinos)
The serial library has been updated, this included some significant internal changes to the library according to the author. I hope none of this will affect TC.
The main addition is a FFT view