Attached you find the recording of last night with 7x DS18b20, 6 shown in the diagram.
All 3 seconds a reading, average of 40 readings. The peak in the beginning of recording came from my handling with the sensors.
(averages of the first 6 sensors as popup, you see that one sensor is a bit out of range)
- photos of my breadboard setup (I used an old ESP32 board with display ripped of)
- a measurement with a lab thermometer as proof
- my Micropython program
- the TC definition file (very simple)
How to use Micropython?
- install "Thonny" as environment (
- connect your ESP32 to the PC
- install Micropython from Thonny (google is your friend)
- load my program file
- start it and enjoy
- you can store the little program as "" on the esp32 board, than it starts after powering up without PC connection.
The USB connection of the ESP32 board is used as interface for REPL in Thonny (REPL = Read Evaluate Print Loop, the interactive console).
Since you can't use this interface for TC (echo problem), you have to use one of the UARTs of the ESP32. I will try to find a WiFi socket solution but I can't promise this now.
I used URAT#2. Identify the pins of TX/RX of UART2 and connect the USB-adaptor.
Identify the ESP32 pin for connecting the DS18b20. All in parallel, don't forget 4.7k resistor between Vcc and data line.
The Micropython program is simple and has some comments and can be used for other sensor.