Hi, John,
As you know, I'm building a down converter to be used pairwise
to measure X-Band signals with my timepod. It is dual conversion,
1st IF is 900-928MHz with SAWs. It has 2 bands: nervous DC - 3 GHz and
3 GHz-15 or 20 GHz, depending on the mixers and synths that
happen to be available $TODAY.
Expected DUTS are PLLs or DDS&mixers.
Downconverter REF will be a 100 MHz oven locked to 10 MHz house ref
with adf4002. In a prev. version, the 100->10 MHz divider contaminated
the 100 MHz with its counting spikes, therefore the ADF4002. I hope
the dirt will stay in the PLL chip.
In the pic:
top row from the left:
100 *3 * 3 MHz == 900 MHz 2ndLO, SPI-Interface, High band down
converter, Low noise LT3042 regulator with external power trans.
middle row:
10-> 100 MHz PLL, 100 MHz xtal oven, LMX2594/95 synthesizer
bottom row:
5-28 MHz output/2nd down mixer, PIN mux, low band down converter SW..3GHz
Timepod REF will be 1, 4, 8 or 16 MTI-260, sloooowly locked to GPS and
Wilkinsoned together since I'm #inputs-challenged with the timepod.
The guy who sold the Lucent GPS receivers on ebay some years ago
made me an offer for 20 redundancy oven units that I could not ignore :-)
Not removed with hammer and sickle after a life time on a Chinese
telecom tower but still shrink-wrapped.
Do you think I committed systematic errors or oversights?
Cheers, Gerhard, DK4XP