I've bought this supply yesterday - mainly, because the Rigol DP8xx is to deep for my shelf, the Siglent SPD3000 does not show channel3 measurements on the display, and the higher quality brands are way to expensive for my use case, which only occasionally calls for a digitally controlled supply.
The problem reported by yaqwsx sounds more severe. I guess a somewhat useful test would be to operate the PSU at CV with a reasonable load and then suddenly add a parallel resistor that drives the PSU into CC, and observe the curve with an oscilloscope. This should also show how big the output capacitance is.
In case someone is still interested in this matter:
With some reasonable load already present before and an additional load suddenly switched in, current limiting takes 10-40ms (depending on the amount of overcurrent) to kick in. That's not lightning-fast, but also not noticeable slow.
Of course, there will be an additional huge current spike due to the output capacitor, if the output was already active at a high voltage and a load is suddenly attached, as yaqwsx did. But this is to be expected.
A bit more worrying is the fact, that the current also overshoots, if the load is already present while switching on the output - the output voltage rises to the set voltage first, current limiting only kicks in with a slight delay.
On the positive side, the voltage itself nicely ramps up to the set voltage without any overshoot. The output also stays completely silent when turning the device on or off.
Side note: Don't try to remote-control the device using the english language SCPI documentation available at the OWON website. It does not fit this device at all. There is a better one at the chinese site (in chinese, of course, but i could at least realize how the commands are supposed to look).