as I had the chance to get a hand on both SAs at the same time I wanted to compare them directly to make a decision for one or the other.
First the disclaimer: I'm not an expert in Spectrumanalysers just used them in the past and want to get now one in my privat lab. This is also not a professional product review. It's just my personal view and could easily be wrong and also missing important aspects.
Lets start. First picture shows both on the bench.
The 3032X powers up quicker then the 3030N, something in the range of 30 s versus 150 s. Could be the Rigol does some self calibration during the start up as I hear relays clicking.
The sweeptime for lower RBW is also faster on the Siglent, I will show some examples later.
Overall the Siglent seems more responsive and faster sometimes. The Rigol had also some hickups at the beginning. E.g. after first power up the touch screen was not working and also the VNA function did not work well. After a second power up both issues did not show up again, at least up to now (1day).
Both units had the Firmware version running with which they were deliverd. The Siglent had the second last (R6) and the Rigol had even a newer on as on the Web.
Now first a look on the external IF. There the Rigol seem to offer more. There more USB host IF, an IF out, an additional Trigger In/Out, an HDMI output and a small speaker. Nice.
Both have also the possibility for control over the LAN. The Siglent seems a bit more handy. Screenshots are automaticly saved and not just a frozen picture which you have to copy. The Rigol also had here some hickup as the welcome screen was just partly filled after returning to the page.
I measured also the 10MHz ref out with my counter. Siglent 0.05 ppm off and Rigol 0.4 ppm. Siglent 0.011 Hzpp over 1 min, Rigol 0.016 Hzpp. The Rigol has the option for a more stable clock source. Both seem to be accurate enough.
Thats it for now, I will add some measurements later. All with the lack that I don't really have high quality calibration standards.